@StiubhartDubh - I started noticing folk on T suggesting it the past couple of days. I think it's a good idea, as a last resort, when we realise the SNP don't have a cunning plan. It will probably be all we have left.

#StrikeForScotland #OccupyHolyrood

Last updated 5 years ago

It's pointless letting the SNP continue to pretend they are in charge - power devolved is power retained. Westminster runs the show.

If they really want to take the reins then they must leave the other country's parliament and return to ours.

3rd February 2020 -

#StrikeForScotland #UseOurMandate #DissolveTheUnion #OccupyHolyrood

Last updated 5 years ago

What we do know for certain is...

"All peoples have the right to self-determination."

It's got nothing to do with the neighbours.


#scotland #StrikeForScotland #UseOurMandate #DissolveTheUnion

Last updated 5 years ago

Like many, I'm intensely annoyed by adverts trying to persuade me to buy stuff I want when I have no money.

So why do @Thesnp and their "grass-roots professionals" think Yessers can endlessly sell independence without providing a referendum to buy it in.


Last updated 5 years ago

@WEEBLE Thanks - keep up the art.

#HogmanayBells #StrikeForScotland

Last updated 5 years ago

@wywhjude - I agree with him.

How can you put a positive spin on Pete Wishart's timidity? What's the shiny side of Scotland asking England for permission to let Scots make a democratic choice?

Why march to protest, yet implicitly accept, Westminster Rule?

We should be marching on Holyrood to demand independence and action.

#StrikeForScotland #UseOurMandate #DissolveTheUnion

Last updated 5 years ago

QUOTE> Wishart’s idea of campaigning is reminiscent of the programmed performances of customer service operatives in businesses where their sole function is to act as a barrier shielding incompetent managers from disgruntled clients. <


#StrikeForScotland #UseOurMandate #DissolveTheUnion

Last updated 5 years ago

& @Thesnp
have to they keep us in.

We were waiting for @Thesnp
to lead us to independence. Now we must lead @Thesnp
to independence.

#JustifyTheUnion #StrikeForScotland #UseTheMandate #DissolveTheUnion

Last updated 5 years ago