The various stages of Nanowrimo today… as it continued, up on the wall; I am very pleased to have all scenes now digitally in a new order in my manuscript and have sent a PDF to be printed out.
This is using an organizational method I learned in a writing workshop from Stuart Horwitz who teaches “Book Architecture” as a strategy for dealing with first draft material. I’ve used it on novel #1 (published already, The Erenwine Agenda) and novel #2 (Otter Coast, soon to be published). This is for novel #3 (Rail is the working title) which I am first drafting and using Nanowrimo month to finish piecing together.
Lots more work to do in linking scenes and writing missing bits. For now, I am happy with it!
#AmWriting #CliFi #EcoFiction #Nanowrimo #StuartHorwitz #VisionaryFiction #VisionaryEcoFiction
#amwriting #clifi #ecofiction #nanowrimo #StuartHorwitz #visionaryfiction #VisionaryEcoFiction
@Isaac Yes he has written a lot - and I just tagged him on a FB post to let us know if/when he arrives on Mastodon - #StuartHorwitz #nanowrimo
I like these that I just posted in a reply - so am sharing them as a standalone toot. My process! I write a first draft, isolate scenes, cut up scene headings, arrange by series and theme and centrality to the middle of the mandala, then rearrange scenes as needed. Learned this method from #StuartHorwitz. #creativewriting #amwriting #nanowrimo
#StuartHorwitz #creativewriting #amwriting #nanowrimo