I guess with this one, my Lefty Brother is proud to be a "Libtard".
He is so smart!
And then there is Hunter!
But it's not just Trump hate, look how good Biden and the Dems are compared to the Republicans.
He hates Trump, and 2016 was stolen from Hillary, but 2020 was legit!
More #StuffMyBrotherPostsontheFbag
So much wrong with this clip about "gender affriming care", but if you listen to #TBPITU #noagenda show you know. My lefty gay brother buys into what the left is selling with full senserity.
#StuffMyBrotherPostsontheFbag #tbpitu #noagenda
Listening to show #1582 and @adam ask if the left was sincere and @Johncdvorak thought that some are (or something along those lines).
So in the past I would post #StuffMyBrotherPostsontheFbag , and he and those that comment and "like" his posts I believe to be very sincere. Here are two recent posts my lefty brother has posted in all seriousness.
#StuffMyBrotherPostsontheFbag #tyfyc
I just found this really funny that my mind numbed lefty brother that spouts the Dems talking points, posts this.
I haven't post anything is a long while from my lefty brother's FaceBag, but I thought his comment with the meme was worth a post.
"These politicians are laughable! They have NO MORAL ground to stand on.
Hypocritical Clowns!
Democrats ARE the inclusive party actually helping families."
Wear your masks and look "SO FUCKING SMART" like my lefty brother.
NO! It is just the Republicans!
*according to my lefty brother
Evil Republicans!
Jo has spoken, and my Lefty Brother posted, so now the case is closed on all these topics!
A quick hit of #StuffMyBrotherPostsontheFbag
Bernie could have saved us all! lol!