@atomicpoet Oh how I miss the old StumbleUpon. I lost hours there and met great people too. It's inheritor, Mix, never hit the same mark. #WebSurfing #StumbleUpon, #OldInternet
#oldinternet #StumbleUpon #websurfing
@cloudhopper @gladsdotter nicely put. what a unique experience #stumbleupon was. it’s sad, really, that such a quality, diverse and complex place was shut down. people are not at all aware today what, were a SU-like place somehow resurrected, they could have instead of what is on offer. at least, we, ex-stumblers still carry the place in our hearts.
@ifixcoinops #Webring content also got siloed to some extent starting before the Yahoo takeover back in the 90s. To the point #StumbleUpon became a spiritual successor and beyond that things like the Explore tab in #Mastodon the successor to that...
#webring #StumbleUpon #Mastodon