Submerged – Columbia Gardens
Der nächste Bereich in Submerged heißt Columbia Gardens wobei ich auch noch ein wenig weiter rumfahre um generell mehr Orte auf die Karte zu bekommen.
#Computerspiele #LetsPlay #Submerged
#Submerged #letsplay #computerspiele
August 14, 2023 - Day 226 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 246
Game: Submerged
Platform: Steam
Release Date: Aug 4, 2015
Library Date: May 13, 2023
Unplayed: 93d (3m1d)
Playtime: 24m
Submerged is an third-person post-apocalyptic open-world exploration game. You play as a young girl, Miku, who is trying to save her brother's life, and to do so, must sail around a submerged city, climbing the buildings and exploring the ruins to locate crates containing survival items.
It's very pretty, but based on my movement through the game so far, it seems like it will be a reasonably short game that won't outstay its welcome.
I think the sail->search->climb->find gameplay loop could get pretty old pretty quickly.
As you move through the story, you uncover pieces of Miku & her brother's story, and the story of what happened to the city in the form of pictographs, and as you explore, there are 60 collectables to find.
Submerged is:
3: OK
#Submerged #ThirdPerson #OpenWorld #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay
#Submerged #thirdperson #openworld #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay
Oh hey, Submerged has a sequel coming to PC - #Submerged:HiddenDepths #ActionAdventure #UppercutGames #Submerged
#Submerged #ActionAdventure #UppercutGames