Last night’s dream involved Hasan Minhaj trying to unload many boxes of a failed line of frozen dinners he had launched with a food company. One of them was two types of giant raviolis with some green beans.

In another room of the house was a fan-made, Star Trek-style transporter console with working controls for lights and sounds. Just the console though, not the pad.

I have no idea what this all means.


#SubtextWhatSubtext #bachelorchow #llap

Last updated 2 years ago

Micro SF/F stories by O Westin · @MicroSFF
9614 followers · 1861 posts · Server

"Why do knights want to kill dragons," the princess asked.
"Because dragons like to eat maidens," a lady said, blushing.
"Wait, do you mean devour, or do you mean eat?"
"Oh, eat. They were good." The lady smiled. "Very good."
"Oh. So charging in with a big lance..."
"Not subtle."

#microfiction #tootfic #smallstories #SubtextWhatSubtext #NoExplanationsOffered

Last updated 2 years ago