Suicide Commando to drop 20th anniversary re-release of 'Axis of Evil' on 2CD #SuicideCommando
Suicide Commando to drop 20th anniversary re-release of 'Axis of Evil' on 2CD #SuicideCommando
Happy Birthday Andy Schwarz von No More!
NO MORE - This Was 'Die Modernistische Welt' (full speed version) - Invidious
#kiel #postpunk #newwave #darkwave #nomore #SuicideCommando
Really nice photography work!
Did I just spot #SuicideCommando , #Shaârghot , #CultofLuna and #Tarja in your portfolio?😍
#fotografie #photography #sethabrikoos #sethpicturesmusic #tarja #cultofluna #shaarghot #SuicideCommando