“Important and inspirational reading for anyone who is living with a mental illness or [has] been a family caregiver. I strongly recommend it.” — Senator Michael Kirby (Retd.), founding chair of the Mental Health Commission of Canada https://a.co/d/1wI8wKC #mentalhealth #suicideprevention #books
#Books #SuicidePrevention #mentalhealth
You are not alone, and you are enough just as you are. If you're struggling, reach out – there's strength in asking for help. Even if you don't realize it, someone cares deeply about you. Each life is a thread woven into the fabric of our world. Let's spread awareness and support for #SuicidePrevention. Remember, you matter and your story is valuable. 🌟
USA: 988
UK: +44 (0) 8457 90 90 90
AUS: 13 11 14
For more: suicide.org
#MentalHealth #YouAreEnough #MentalHealthMatters #ReachOutForHelp
#reachoutforhelp #mentalhealthmatters #YouAreEnough #mentalhealth #SuicidePrevention
Today's Thing of Beauty: #Toronto #Ontario #Canada #LuminousVeil #art with an underlying goal #suicideprevention #bloorviaduct #light #beauty #photography Photo by me
#Photography #beauty #light #bloorviaduct #SuicidePrevention #Art #luminousveil #Canada #ontario #toronto
Please share!
Our team in San Diego California is hiring a mental health advocate for an NIH-funded suicide prevention program focused on LGBTQ+ youth and young adults. For more information visit the following website: #lgbtq #SuicidePrevention #mentalhealth #research #job #SanDiego #California
#lgbtq #SuicidePrevention #mentalhealth #research #job #SanDiego #California
This week’s #weeknote which includes references to #SuicidePrevention #SuicideAwareness https://pjmoran.medium.com/a-weeknote-starting-monday-1-may-2023-2301d2e809d7
#suicideawareness #SuicidePrevention #weeknote
This week’s #weeknote which includes references to #SuicidePrevention #SuicideAwareness https://pjmoran.medium.com/a-weeknote-starting-monday-1-may-2023-2301d2e809d7
#suicideawareness #SuicidePrevention #weeknote
What an unbelievably sh*tty person DeSantis is. Is Florida also going to increase funding for #MentalHealth services and #SuicidePrevention ?
I can’t even.
My heart breaks for all the ruined lives this will cause.
#TranRights #HumanRights
#mentalhealth #SuicidePrevention #tranrights #humanrights
What an unbelievably sh*tty person DeSantis is. Is Florida also going to increase funding for #MentalHealth services and #SuicidePrevention ?
I can’t even.
My heart breaks for all the ruined lives this will cause.
#mentalhealth #SuicidePrevention
More evidence that #Republicans are just evil, irredeemable, sociopaths. They don't love their own #kids! Of course they assume no one else does either. Classic Sociopathic behavior. They're a political party that literally wants to strip the #empathy from the human condition. They have no hearts and they #indoctrinate people to be the same, and when they don't, they do all they can to get rid of them.
#republicans #kids #empathy #indoctrinate #transphobia #transgender #SuicidePrevention
RT @samhsagov
💚 This #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth Save & share this #SuicidePrevention wallet card to offer support to those who may be struggling
💚 If someone is showing any of the warning signs, urge them to contact a mental health professional or @988Lifeline
#MentalHealthMonth #MHAM23
#mentalhealthawarenessmonth #SuicidePrevention #mentalhealthmonth #mham23
Don't ignore your child's words: How to spot warning signs of suicidal thoughts and take action
#MentalHealthMatters #SuicidePrevention #ChildMentalHealth #ParentingTips #TakeAction #WarningSigns
Shivana Naidoo is a child psychiatrist.
Listen here: https://kevinmd.com/podcast
#MentalHealthMatters #SuicidePrevention #childmentalhealth #parentingtips #takeaction #warningsigns
Selbstverletzung und Borderline: Tipps für den Umgang mit dem Druck
"Wir können den Wind nicht ändern, aber wir können die Segel anders setzen." - Aristoteles * * 384 v. Chr. in Stageira; † 322 v. Chr. in Chalkis auf Euböa
#Allgemein #Blog #bpd #DBT #dortmund #EndTheStigma #mentalhealthawareness #MentalHealthSupport #mindfulness #Selbstverletzung #SelfHarmRecovery #SuicidePrevention
#Allgemein #blog #bpd #dbt #dortmund #endthestigma #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthsupport #mindfulness #selbstverletzung #selfharmrecovery #SuicidePrevention
FRIENDLY REMINDER | When life seems unbearable, hold on. There is more to the story of your life. There are many mysteries, adventures and successes waiting for you. Keep going my friend.
#Mastodon #Fediverse #SuicidePrevention #Mentalhealth #support #therapy
#therapy #support #mentalhealth #SuicidePrevention #Fediverse #Mastodon
Link in bio #ymhc #mentalhealth #SuicidePrevention #communitycare #resources #workshops #youth #family http://www.ymhc.ngo Resources at http://edu.ymhc.ngo Support at http://ymhc.ngo/ccs School Phobia Resources at http://schoolphobia.ymhc.ngo
#family #youth #workshops #resources #communitycare #SuicidePrevention #mentalhealth #ymhc
Understanding #mentalhealth #treatment #MentalHealthMatters #suicideprevention #fridaymorning #HamOnt #onted #healthcare #resources at http://edu.ymhc.ngo Support at http://ymhc.ngo/ccs http://www.ymhc.ngo #ymhc
#ymhc #resources #Healthcare #onted #hamont #fridaymorning #SuicidePrevention #mentalhealthmatters #Treatment #mentalhealth