Favourite Stories of #Bhagavaan Thiru #Ramana #Maamunivar: King #Janakar and Sage #Sukar
(Image version of my previous 3 toots)
#Sukar #Janakar #Maamunivar #Ramana #Bhagavaan
Favourite Stories of #Bhagavaan Thiru #Ramana #Maamunivar: King #Janakar and Sage #Sukar
... Therefore, conquer this desire to know more about delusion and endeavour to attain the state of equanimity once again, for that is your true state.”
#Sukar #Janakar #Maamunivar #Ramana #Bhagavaan
Favourite Stories of #Bhagavaan Thiru #Ramana #Maamunivar: King #Janakar and Sage #Sukar
... This very desire is the manifestation of delusion. Attempting to know anything other than the Self is delusion. Such a desire also occurs by the very force of the Self — attempting to know and knowing it. However, in the attempt to quench one’s desire to know, the Self gets lost in the background and one is caught in a vicious whirlpool. ...
#Sukar #Janakar #Maamunivar #Ramana #Bhagavaan
Favourite Stories of #Bhagavaan Thiru #Ramana #Maamunivar: King #Janakar and Sage #Sukar
Janakar then elaborated further, “You are fully detached from all things, are without doubt the very embodiment of Brahman. What your father stated, what I have understood and what you are contemplating, are all the same— the knowledge of the Self. Total detachment is essential for this. You are seeking the source of delusion. And, it has brought you all this way. ...
#Sukar #Janakar #Maamunivar #Ramana #Bhagavaan