Very interesting analysis of the #Jewish festival of #Sukkot from a #socialist perspective.
#Sukkot in #Jerusalem. Celebration of Joy and Unity. From City Centre to Western Wall.
La tensione tra israeliani e palestinesi è alle stelle, soprattutto a Gerusalemme, dove migliaia di fedeli ebrei si stanno riversando nella città per celebrare la settimana di pellegrinaggio di #Sukkot." 7🔚
#IsraeliOccupation #HumanRights #WestBank #Gaza #Peace #NoWar
#nowar #peace #gaza #westbank #humanrights #israelioccupation #Sukkot
Discover the blessings and benefits of the Feast of Tabernacles. It’s a wonderful and joyful celebration that lasts for 8 days. The Eighth day is the Last Great Day, and it's a day of special celebration. God promised to live with them forever. Find out how the tabernacle Moses built is a copy of the one in heaven. Learn about the Lord’s return.
Leviticus 23:40
Now on the first day you shall take for yourselves the foliage of beautiful trees, palm branches and boughs of leafy trees and willows of the brook, and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days.
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #teaching #bibleteaching #fun #ebook #teachingkids #ebooks #childrenbooks #feastoftabernacles #sukkot #thegreatlastday #tabernacle #Israel #celebration #highholidays #holyday #biblefeasts #Lordsfeast
#Lordsfeast #biblefeasts #holyday #highholidays #celebration #israel #Tabernacle #thegreatlastday #Sukkot #FeastofTabernacles #childrenbooks #ebooks #teachingkids #ebook #fun #bibleteaching #teaching #kindleunlimited #kindlebooks #kindle #Amazon #kidsbooks #christian #childrensbook
Discover the blessings and benefits of the Feast of Tabernacles. It’s a wonderful and joyful celebration that lasts for 8 days. The Eighth day is the Last Great Day, and it's a day of special celebration. God promised to live with them forever. Find out how the tabernacle Moses built is a copy of the one in heaven. Learn about the Lord’s return.
Leviticus 23:40
Now on the first day you shall take for yourselves the foliage of beautiful trees, palm branches and boughs of leafy trees and willows of the brook, and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days.
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindle #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #teaching #bibleteaching #fun #ebook #teachingkids #ebooks #childrenbooks #feastoftabernacles #sukkot #thegreatlastday #tabernacle #Israel #celebration #highholidays #holyday #biblefeasts #Lordsfeast
#Lordsfeast #biblefeasts #holyday #highholidays #celebration #israel #Tabernacle #thegreatlastday #Sukkot #FeastofTabernacles #childrenbooks #ebooks #teachingkids #ebook #fun #bibleteaching #teaching #kindleunlimited #kindlebooks #kindle #Amazon #kidsbooks #christian #childrensbook
Chag Sukkot sameach!
Happy #Sukkot to my Jewish friends!
Liebe jüdische Mitbürger,
Ihnen, Ihren Familien und Freunden ein frohes Sukkot. Der Segen des Allmächtigen, der uns jedes Jahr in Fülle schenkt, was wir zum Leben brauchen, begleite Sie!
#sukkot #sukkot2022 #feastoftabernacles #laubhüttenfest
#Sukkot #sukkot2022 #feastoftabernacles #laubhüttenfest
@zwst_official Allen Jüdinnen und Juden wünsche ich von Herzen Chag #Sukkot Sameach!
Der Beginn des Laubhüttenfestes fällt in diesem Jahr zusammen mit dem Jahrestag des antisemitischen Anschlags von #Halle . Das fröhliche jüdische Fest der Gemeinsamkeit, verbunden mit dem Gedenken an die Opfer.
Es ist unsere Pflicht, jüdisches Leben in Deutschland zu schützen.
RT @zwst_official: Wir wünschen Chag #Sukkot Sameach!
Sieben Tage lang geht man aus den gewöhnlichen Häusern hinaus und baut Sukkot, Laubhütten. Sukkot i…
This is a #Sukkot liquor.
I've been holding onto a bottle for a few years for my in-laws.
I should try to get another bottle and try it.
In #Hamburg ist es am Sonntagnachmittag erneut zu einem Angriff vor einer Synagoge gekommen. Ein jüdischer Student wurde am Feiertag #Sukkot mit einer Schaufel niedergestreckt.
#Antisemitismus #Eimsbüttel #Halle #rechterterror
#hamburg #Sukkot #antisemitismus #Eimsbüttel #halle #rechterterror