Smaller child went to see Frozen the Musical (which from all accounts was really quite incredible) so I took the larger child to see the Titanosaur exhibition at the NHM. They're not wrong: it's big - you could live comfortably in its ribcage.
Child had a lovely time documenting this and the permanent collections with my old phone's camera, esp the minerals room. I got to draw a patagotitan's enormous foot.
#sketchbook #sketching #dinosaur #Summerholidays
Last couple of weeks of the #SummerHolidays here in the UK, so this week I have a few #HomemadeMusicalInstruments to make with your children. For all of these #MusicalInstruments you can make them with stuff you already have at home/can buy very cheaply #MakeYourOwnMusic
#makeyourownmusic #musicalinstruments #homemademusicalinstruments #Summerholidays
Today I have a #Playlist full of #Music to help your little one burn some energy with. #MusicToBurnEnergy #MusicToDanceTo #MusicToJumpAroundTo #SummerHolidays #SummerHolidaysAtHome
#summerholidaysathome #Summerholidays #musictojumparoundto #musictodanceto #musictoburnenergy #music #playlist
My children today have been arguing about which one of them gets to play with the green stickbot. There have been tears, there has been snatching, there has been a mum separating said children, confiscating the stockbots and checking the calendar to see how long we have to go before September! #MumLife #SummerHolidays
My children are “recording” videos for their craft-based YouTube channel. Only there is no camera involved and they don’t actually have a YouTube channel… there’s just a lot of cutting up paper and narrating what they are doing. My eldest has even written heir “theme tune”!
#summerholidays #summerholidays2023 #summerholidayactivities #summerholidayfun #childrensentertainment #getkidsintomusic
#getkidsintomusic #childrensentertainment #summerholidayfun #summerholidayactivities #summerholidays2023 #Summerholidays
A rainy last few days of the #SummerHolidays here...
Keeping kids entertained to the last is always an issue in weather like this.
Surely some folks on here have some #Gravitrax set-ups they can share for inspiration?
#gardening #garden #summerholidays #memories
#memories #Summerholidays #garden #gardening
Quel momento dell'anno dove ricevi subito risposta alle email! WOW! La risposta è: sono fuori e torno a fine agosto. Yeah! Mo' lo metto pure io :-) #ferie #summerholidays
As #Birmingham schools have now broken up for the #SummerHolidays, if you are looking for some ideas for #ThingsToDoWithKids here is a roundup of #Music based events on in our fabulous city in #July and #August.
#august #july #music #thingstodowithkids #Summerholidays #birmingham
Schools out for summer! Who’s up for a challenge?
#RewardMe #SummerHolidays #schoolholidays #schoolsout #familytime #parents
#RewardMe #Summerholidays #schoolholidays #schoolsout #familytime #parents
The children are on their #SummerHolidays and as they are still just 6 and 9 they get a lot of my attention, leaving very little time for #BlogWriting.
Definitely autumnal in North Wales. There's a reason it's called Gorffenaf... 🍃🍂
(Just in time for the summer holidays as usual, why can't they just change the term dates??)
#gorffenaf #SummerHolidays #GogleddCymru
#gorffenaf #Summerholidays #gogleddcymru
This is the „I’m bored-Map“ for my 8yo -and me- to survive the long #SummerHolidays. She can explore the various islands and I can just point to it whenever she gets #bored.
Of course there are also unexplored spots because you never know…
#kleinekunstklasse #bored #Summerholidays
Looking for something to do with the kids over the #SummerHolidays? Here’s some suggestions of #music based concerts and events in #Birmingham & #Solihull #MusicForFamilies #KidsEvents #HolidayActivities #GetKidsIntoMusic
#getkidsintomusic #HolidayActivities #kidsevents #musicforfamilies #Solihull #birmingham #music #Summerholidays
Disc golf (AKA frisbee golf) course in Ruchill Park, one of three such courses in parks across Glasgow. Disc golf can make a fun alternative (and free) activity to do with kids over the summer holidays, although the Ruchill course is currently a bit overgrown in places.
#glasgow #ruchillpark #discgolf #frisbeegolf #summerholidays
#Summerholidays #frisbeegolf #discgolf #ruchillpark #glasgow
gouden vakantietip: | #vacation #bagage #summerholidays
#Summerholidays #bagage #vacation
#cornwall #truro #summerholidays #walking prachtig gebied, heerlijke wandelingen
#walking #Summerholidays #truro #cornwall
Well after two weeks holiday I have completed all my jigsaw puzzles - loved doing them and have now "scratched my puzzle itch" as it were 😊 I've also read a bunch of summer novels, all rollicking good stories and ideal for stuffing in a beach bag and reading in the summer sun (in between swims in the ocean that is!). It's been a long time since I read for fun/relaxation, and it was quite lovely to get 'lost' in the story once more 🤗
#summernz #Summerholidays #summer22 #jigsawlife
I like to travel, especially for vacations, but the truth is that my bed and my pillow have not equal.
#returninghome #Summerholidays