Dropping by to wish everyone a peaceful and relaxing day! #Sundays are a chance to refuel your soul 🧡 Biggest decision I intend to make today… should I catch #guardiansofthegalaxyvol3 or #theboogeyman 🤔 Leaning towards the latter 😁#SundayBlessings #LittleReminders
#littlereminders #SundayBlessings #theboogeyman #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 #sundays
Dropping by to wish everyone a peaceful and relaxing day! #Sundays are a chance to refuel your soul 🧡 Biggest decision I intend to make today… should I catch #guardiansofthegalaxyvol3 or #theboogeyman 🤔 Leaning towards the latter 😁#SundayBlessings #LittleReminders
#littlereminders #SundayBlessings #theboogeyman #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 #sundays
Wishing each and every one of you a peaceful and relaxing day as we prepare to embrace the challenges of the week ahead, and celebrate the successes of the week past. As we move forward, remember to #refocus #readjust and #realign as many times as you need to; and above all else, #BeKind to yourself and each other 💚 #SundayBlessings #Gratitude #Positivity #LittleReminders
#littlereminders #positivity #gratitude #SundayBlessings #bekind #realign #readjust #refocus
Good morning and #SundayBlessings to y’all! May your day be peaceful and calm; a time for reflection and planning ahead 💚 Allow your body, mind and soul to catch up with each other ❤️
There is no #feeling in this #world quite like that of #babysnuggles. I may have a #chapter to write and documents to review, but snuggling with my napping baby on this chilly Sunday is where my heart is.
#writinglife #writingmotivation #winterzeit #babyhood #babyadventures #motherslove #parentalsupport #parentalleave #parentinscience #SundayBlessings #chapter #babysnuggles #world #feeling
Sunday, November 13, 2022
Luke 21:8
How do we discern when someone is speaking from the heart of Jesus? Ultimately, this can only be done through a state of prayer. Being in a “state of prayer” means that our hearts are attuned to God’s voice. When God speaks through this or that person and our hearts are tuned into Him, we will simply know
#God #Jesus #HolySpirit #Catholic #CatholicChurch #Catholicism #Christianity #SundayBlessings #SundayMorning #Sunday
#sunday #sundaymorning #SundayBlessings #christianity #catholicism #catholicchurch #catholic #holyspirit #jesus #god
Good morning everyone, enjoy the day 🤗🍂🍁
#SundayMorning #SundayBlessings #SundayVibes
#sundayvibes #SundayBlessings #sundaymorning