"But my mind remains the wildest place that I have ever been."
Sally Huband, Sea Bean: A beachcomber's search for a magical charm
#SundaySentence #books #bookstodon #reading
#blackfriday #Fensterfriday #firstlinefriday #FlirtPackFriday #followbackfriday #followfriday #followfridayfreebies #freebiefriday #freebookfriday #fridaynightthoughts #FridayNightZillow #fridayreads #FungiFriday #fuzzyfridays #shutthefuckupfriday #WindowFriday #caturday #sapphicsaturday #synthsaturday #silentsunday #StandingStoneSunday #sundaypixtransport #SundaySentence
"In truth, you didn't need classical literature to learn vices: according to a dialogue on hypocrisy by Poggio, one preacher often provided so much detail in his sermons against lust that the congregation rushed home afterward to try out the practices for themselves." -- from Humanly Possible by Sarah Bakewell
#SundaySentence #bookquote #currentlyreading
"Sometimes these boys were so close together it was like they were cigarettes I lit from the end of the one I was smoking. I thought that list would go on forever."
Amy Key, on the list of boys she kissed, cataloged in her diary between the ages of sixteen and seventeen. From the wonderful memoir, "Arrangements in Blue: Notes on Loving and Living Alone".
#SundaySentence #recommendedreading
"The only thing she feared was compromise, the soothing voice that licks down rage until it is nothing but a small smooth lump in your hand."
#SundaySentence from Selby Wynn Schwartz in After Sappho. Like many truly good books, this one grew on me as I was reading, and kept growing after.
The best sentence I read this past week?
“Darkness doesn’t kill the light—it defines it.”
Richard Wagamese
The epigraph to THE LOST JOURNALS OF SACAJEWEA by Debra Magpie Earling
The best sentence I read this past week. What was yours?
"Thanks for the tip," she said, "but I'm a woman; I'm underestimated, like, every day of my life."
From BIRNAM WOOD by Eleanor Catton
The best sentence I read this week?
"To learn even something as simple as to water the roots of a plant rather than its leaves was not to be dealt the harsh reality of cold hard fact, but rather to be let into a secret."
BIRNAM WOOD by Eleanor Catton
The best sentences I read this past week:
"A gesture of sharing that means to bring comfort and harbors no illusions. ...
"This is no longer silence; it's so much better than talking."
from SECOND STAR by Philippe Delerm, translated by Jody Gladding
"During his prime he had done much to add dignity and decorum to the public spaces of London, and it was through his untiring endeavours that the hands which pointed to the public conveniences in Hyde Park had a short length of sleeve and white cuffs painted onto their naked wrists. Aunt Rose had grown stout in recent years, but she possessed the finest collection in England of old coloured prints of stagecoaches that had overturned in snowdrifts." - from The Hopkins Manuscript by R.C. Sherriff
#SundaySentence #bookquote #reading
"But what is so magnificent, so philanthropic in his case, is that when he posed this question: "How should I live?" he did not insist on following it up with: "This is how you should live!"
- from Stefan Zweig's 'Montaigne'
#CurrentlyReading #SundaySentence #BookQuote #quote @bookstodon
#currentlyreading #SundaySentence #bookquote #quote
The best sentence I read last week is from CHAIN GANG ALL STARS:
"Everybody was looking for the same thing in a lot of different ways."
by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah
A sentence that's been echoing in my mind all week:
"Relief is often a stronger and more layered pleasure than happiness, and it was relief that washed over me when she returned that evening, and relief when she held me, relief even as as I felt the part of her sweater hardened with blood, and all this relief was enough to carry me, to carry us deeper into love."
Catherine Lacey, Biography of X
Relief is often stronger . . .
#catherinelacey #bookstodon #SundaySentence
The best sentence I read all week?
"If I can chart everything around me as far as I can see, then I must be in the middle of it all, real and in one piece. "
As started by author David Abrams, the best sentence I read this past week:
"This land is trying to kill every single one of us, let me tell you. And we keep each other alive."
Victor Lavelle
The best sentence I read this past week, presented without further comment or context:
"Long before she went to work in pictures, she understood that the true temptation of fantasy wasn't its outlandishness but its aching plausibility."
-- Anthony Marra
"They leaned into the door as if against a wind, and braced themselves."
—— Raymond Carver, Neighbors
"Kindness that is nothing special is the rarest and most honest."
—— Emily Ruskovich, Idaho
"The mathematician studies this unsophisticated man, and reaffirms the soul-destroying notion that by accumulating our individual obscurities, we rarely achieve collective brilliance. "
——Hervé Le Tellier, The Anomaly
What's the best sentence you read this week? Here's mine, presented without further comment or context:
"The birds are darkening the skies on their way home, flying all the way back from the city to roost in the forest here."
-- From TAUHOU by Kōtuku Titihuia Nuttal to be published next week by House of Anasi Press