I'm trying to introduce a # on social networks for hamradio. Like #TowerTuesday (antennas & antennatowers) #VintageFriday (ham history) #SundayShack (shack & rig).
*to promote hamradio,
*to find operators among themselves,
*as an opening for a conversation of discussion & find ideas. Allowing operators to become more active on social networks...
#SundayShack #vintagefriday #towertuesday
Thank you Christopher! I agree with that.
I've been using #TowerTuesday (antennas & antenna towers) #VintageFriday (ham history) #SundayShack (snack & rig) for several years. Goal:
*to promote #hamradio,
*to find operators among themselves,
*as an opening for a conversation.
#hamradio #SundayShack #vintagefriday #towertuesday