Jailer: Rajinikanth’s blockbuster hit to stream on OTT platforms soon. The film has grossed over 600 crore and received rave reviews. Sun Pictures has gifted a luxury car and a cheque to Rajinikanth and the director #Jailer #Rajinikanth #SunPictures #OTT https://thecinemanews.online/jailer-rajinikanths-blockbuster-hit-to-stream-on-this-platform/
#ott #Sunpictures #Rajinikanth #jailer
Are you excited for #Jailer, the action thriller starring #Rajinikanth, #Mohanlal, #Shivarajkumar and #TamannaahBhatia? Check out our trailer review and reasons to watch this movie in theatres. #NelsonDilipkumar #SunPictures #Anirudh #TamilCinema https://thecinemanews.online/jailer-trailer-review-and-reasons-to-watch/
#TamilCinema #Anirudh #Sunpictures #NelsonDilipkumar #TamannaahBhatia #Shivarajkumar #MohanLal #Rajinikanth #jailer
Are you excited for #Dhanush’s 50th film? It’s a gangster drama set in North Madras and it has a star-studded cast, including #AnikhaSurendran. Find out more about her role and the film here: #D50 #SunPictures https://thecinemanews.online/anikha-surendran-dhanush-d50-movie-update/
#Sunpictures #d50 #AnikhaSurendran #Dhanush
சன் டிவியுடன் 5 பட டீலில் கையெழுத்திட்ட #சிவகார்த்திகேயன்
#Sivakarthikeyan @Siva_Kartikeyan@twitter.com #SunPictures @sunpictures@twitter.com @NadigarsangamP@twitter.com #patrikaidotcom
#Patrikaidotcom #Sunpictures #Sivakarthikeyan #சிவகார்த்திகேயன்