Nyt kyllä saa halvalla mukulan perheeseen.. #mainostaminen #SuomenKieli #lapsus
#mainostaminen #SuomenKieli #lapsus
Well look at this! Not sure if this is new, but I've never seen the like before. This is great!
Let's encourage the learning of Finnish in a positive way!
#SuomenKieli #Suomea #finnishlanguage #LearningFinnish
Today we learned the 72 different declinations of the words "which", "both", and "neither". Today we also concluded that the number of people who have not survived learning Finnish is greater than zero.
#Finnish #FinnishLanguage #LearningFinnish #Suomea #SuomenKieli
#finnish #finnishlanguage #LearningFinnish #Suomea #SuomenKieli