SuperDuper update!
I haven't done an official blog post because, at present, SuperDuper v3.7.5 is working OK with Sonoma. Why just "OK"?
Well, we definitely hae some sort of issue with iCloud Desktop. If you're using that, you can get errors when we're copying those cloud files - it's not letting us set all their attributes.
Apart from that — and barring issues we have no control over -- things seem good with the current beta.
One of my most favourite, handy and reliable apps I've used for years with my Macbooks is #SuperDuper from #ShirtPocket. It's an app that makes a bootable clone of your Mac's hard drive. Not expensive at all and the customer service is A+. Sorry if this seems spammy but it's a non-corporate, no-nonsense and easy-peasy to use #backup app with a very cool Smart Update feature. Since I started with Macs way back when, I've had a few moments when it totally saved my bacon. Recommended.
#Backup #shirtpocket #SuperDuper
I use TimeMachine for convenience as well but have happily used #superduper for years instead of Backblaze for disaster recovery. I have tested (actually needed) it.