Hello Socelites!
I'd like to start a thing: #2022 #YearInAnimation. What was your fav #Animation stuff of the past year (in no particular order)?
Got to say #DelToro's #Pinnocchio. The artistry! #HouseBroken's The Holidays specials. I LOVE #SuperGiantRobotBrothers, pure fun. I SO wish I could have seen #TheSeaBeast in theatres. #BobsBurgers movie, w/ SHADING! Really impressed by #LittleDemon. #KidCosmic #DeadEndParanormalPark #Dunkanville #BeeAndPuppyCat #HarleyQuinn #BIRDGIRL #TucaAndBertie
#yearinanimation #animation #deltoro #pinnocchio #HouseBroken #SuperGiantRobotBrothers #TheSeaBeast #bobsburgers #LittleDemon #KidCosmic #DeadEndParanormalPark #dunkanville #beeandpuppycat #harleyquinn #BIRDGIRL #tucaandbertie
This is a calendar I made of #SuperGiantRobotBrothers. It is formatted for 8x11 paper. So all you need to do is print it out, & put it on the fridge. And hell, I made two.
I really really loved Robot Brothers. It lives up to each word of its name. Creative #GiantRobot / #Kaiju battles. And a love letter to the kaiju movies of the 50s/60s/70s. Plus I love all the characters. This show is flashy and shiney, but not empty. #Animation can be choppy, but if you can get past tht, you might have fun.
#SuperGiantRobotBrothers #giantrobot #kaiju #animation
#SuperGiantRobotBrothers Ep. 1 | Full Episode
I really like this show so far. The title theme is a banger. Soo many shots are cinematic. I usually hate CG animation the messes w/ framerate to get a handdrawn feel. But at least here, they're not trying to fully imitate handdrawn.
I get a #BigGuyAndRusty vibe, meets #SuperRobotMonkeyTeamHyperForceGO. If you dig giant robots and kaiju, check out this full episode.
#Netflix #AfterSchool
#SuperGiantRobotBrothers #BigGuyAndRusty #SuperRobotMonkeyTeamHyperForceGO #netflix #AfterSchool