I am hiring !!
1 year Engineer position in optical microscopy to build a home – made RASTMIN microscope.
#superresolution #minflux #Microscopy
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#SuperResolution #minflux #microscopy
Come for the microscopy - learn some neurobiology.
New paper from @christlet with great cytoskeleton imaging and some cool (3D-)STORM super-resolution microscopy.
#microscopy #neurobiology #SuperResolution
Zooming across time and space simultaneously with #superresolution to understand how #cells #divide.
#SuperResolution #cells #divide #mitosis #pine #nanoscopy
IPOL published a new implementation of the algos behind multi-image #denoising #SuperResolution on the Google Pixel phones from a few generations ago:
It's interesting to see these kinds of papers reproduced, even with a few years delay!
Welcome to the @viennabiocenter @JonasRies! 🥳We're happy to see the #superresolution microscopy community grow on campus, adding to the work of one of our group leaders, @BalzarottiFran.
RT @maxperutzlabs
We are excited to share that @JonasRies will join the Perutz as a new group leader and professor of advanced microscopy and cellular dynamics @univienna later this year!
➡️ Read more about his work https://tinyurl.com/4p3nrxjp …
Tomorrow night (March 3), @LandesChristy shows off her group's work on imaging protein dynamics at nanoscale interfaces! 10:30 PM EST at twitch.tv/open_science!
#protein #scicomm #STEM #chemtwitter #biotwitter #biology #imaging #openscience #ScienceMastodon #chemistrymastodon #biologymastodon #superresolution #microscopy #mastodonscience
#MastodonScience #microscopy #SuperResolution #biologymastodon #chemistrymastodon #ScienceMastodon #OpenScience #imaging #biology #biotwitter #chemtwitter #stem #scicomm #protein
Yesterday, I gave a lecture about #SMLM as part of Bryan Millis's #Microscopy Education Program "Widening the Lens"🔬 sponsored by #cziscience #imagingthefuture - You can find my presentation on #figshare - Feel free to reach out in case of questions - Enjoy 😀👉 https://figshare.com/articles/presentation/Single-Molecule_Localization_Microscopy_Theoretical_Basis_and_Practical_Guide/19902511
#superresolution #nanoscopy #womeninscience #imageanalysis #imaging
#smlm #microscopy #cziscience #imagingthefuture #figshare #SuperResolution #Nanoscopy #womeninscience #ImageAnalysis #imaging
New 6D microscope measures both the localisation and orientation of single molecules #smlm, from @oumeng_zhang and colleagues @lewlab (also preprint at https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.06.26.497661v1.full.pdf+html for those of us without subscription...)
RT @Lew_Lab
Excited to share that our 6D #singlemolecule #superresolution microscope, which we uses a multi-view reflector architecture, is now online in @NaturePhotonics …
#smlm #singlemolecule #SuperResolution
Want to have your own? Your Secret Santa has a gift for you! The #BrightEyes-TTM is available online as a #openscience project:
If you are interested in our projects DM us. We have #openposition.
#OpenScience #singlemolecule #superresolution
#brighteyes #openscience #openposition #singlemolecule #SuperResolution
Excited to share that our #6D #singlemolecule #superresolution #microscope, which we uses a multi-view reflector architecture, is now online in #NaturePhotonics! Congratulations #oumeng_zhang! https://doi.org/10.1038/s41566
A big thanks to Michael Vahey's group in #WashUBME
#WashUengineers #WashU
Full-text access here: https://rdcu.be/c02le
#WashU #washuengineers #washubme #oumeng_zhang #naturephotonics #microscope #SuperResolution #singlemolecule #6d
RT @VicidominiLab@twitter.com
Dear #photonics enthusiastic,
CLEO Europe 2023 conference opened the call for papers. Looking forward to meeting you at the "CL – PHOTONIC APPLICATIONS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE" Session.
#superresolution #quantum #fluorescence #singlemolecule #microscopy
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VicidominiLab/status/1598355029626589185
#photonics #SuperResolution #Quantum #fluorescence #singlemolecule #microscopy
Dear #photonics enthusiastic,
CLEO Europe 2023 conference opened the call for papers. Looking forward to meeting you at the "CL – PHOTONIC APPLICATIONS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE" Session.
#superresolution #quantum #fluorescence #singlemolecule #microscopy
#photonics #SuperResolution #Quantum #fluorescence #singlemolecule #microscopy
What if we could incorporate #fluorogenic amino acids in synthetic #peptide probes for minimally invasive and targeted biological #imaging?
Enjoy this interesting research article from the lab of Marc Vendrell (The University of Edinburgh):
Small fluorogenic amino acids for peptide-guided background-free imaging
#OpenAccess article in Angewandte Chemie: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202216231
Web page of Marc Vendrell's lab: https://www.ed.ac.uk/inflammation-research/people/principal-investigators/prof-marc-vendrell
#fluorogenic #peptide #imaging #openaccess #fluorescence #microscopy #SuperResolution #labeling
Okay #introduction / #introductions time!!
My interests revolve around systems of subcellular organisation, from a #cellbiology and #biophysics perspective. I’m particularly focussed on #MembraneContactSites between organelles in funky cells like #neurons. I use a bunch of #microscopy techniques (#ElectronMicroscopy / #SuperResolution) alongside in vitro reconstitution systems to study contact site biology. The #EndoplasmicReticulum is the best organelle…this is a hill I am prepared to die on.
#introduction #introductions #cellbiology #biophysics #membranecontactsites #neurons #microscopy #ElectronMicroscopy #SuperResolution #EndoplasmicReticulum
RT @ZuninoAle@twitter.com
Did you know that #imagescanningmicroscopy reconstruction can speed up the acquisition time of #superresolution images by a factor of four? Find out more with our pre-print:
"A #SPAD array detector in any laser-scanning #microscope!" #BrightEyes_ERC
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ZuninoAle/status/1596099270482202625
#imagescanningmicroscopy #SuperResolution #spad #microscope #brighteyes_erc
RT @ZuninoAle@twitter.com
Did you know that #imagescanningmicroscopy reconstruction can speed up the acquisition time of #superresolution images by a factor of four? Find out more with our pre-print:
"A #SPAD array detector in any laser-scanning #microscope!" #BrightEyes_ERC
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ZuninoAle/status/1596099270482202625
#imagescanningmicroscopy #SuperResolution #spad #microscope #brighteyes_erc
RT @Ulrike_Boehm@twitter.com
Are you unfamiliar with the terms #STED, #PALM, #STORM, #SMLM, #MINFLUX, & #MINSTED, but would you like to learn more about these #superresolution #microscopy technologies🔬? If so, then you should check out @Stefan_W_Hell@twitter.com' @lindaunobel@twitter.com talk 🤓 Enjoy👉https://mediatheque.lindau-nobel.org/recordings/39775
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Ulrike_Boehm/status/1595673511976132608
#microscopy #SuperResolution #minsted #minflux #smlm #storm #palm #STED
RT @Ulrike_Boehm
Are you unfamiliar with the terms #STED, #PALM, #STORM, #SMLM, #MINFLUX, & #MINSTED, but would you like to learn more about these #superresolution #microscopy technologies🔬? If so, then you should check out @Stefan_W_Hell' @lindaunobel talk 🤓 Enjoy👉https://mediatheque.lindau-nobel.org/recordings/39775
#STED #palm #storm #smlm #minflux #minsted #SuperResolution #microscopy
Are you unfamiliar with the terms #STED, #PALM, #STORM, #SMLM, #MINFLUX, & #MINSTED, but would you like to learn more about these #superresolution #microscopy technologies🔬? If so, then you should check out #StefanHell's #Lindau presentation 🤓 Enjoy👉 https://mediatheque.lindau-nobel.org/recordings/39775
#STED #palm #storm #smlm #minflux #minsted #SuperResolution #microscopy #stefanhell #lindau
Hi mastodon, time for an #introduction. I am an MD and postdoctoral researcher working in basic science and medical education. I’m interested in anatomy across scales with a special focus on the kidney. Favorite methods include #superresolution microscopy and the #zebrafish model.
#introduction #SuperResolution #zebrafish