RT @peterdaou@twitter.com
We effectively have a two-person race for the future of the Democratic Party and the country.
I'm firmly with #NotMeUs because it represents what we need to become.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/peterdaou/status/1235058646834278400
#SuperTuesday #notmeus #biden #bernie
RT @Beckstrand2020@twitter.com
This headline from CNN is so predictable. Before California is even done voting, which Bernie is predicted to win by a considerable margin. #SuperTuesday
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Beckstrand2020/status/1235043236051161089
RT @danrolle@twitter.com
Regardless of the outcome of #SuperTuesday ... I've decided the @dnc@twitter.com must be systematically dismantled and I'm making that the mission of my political life.
Done. Done with this shit.
RT @ExaltedUterus@twitter.com
My husband just called to check on me..
He was working at a wealthy couples home and overheard them talking about @ewarren@twitter.com.
"Why, if she's progressive, isn't she dropping out to support @BernieSanders@twitter.com like all the mods did for .@JoeBiden@twitter.com?"
#WarrenEndorseBernie #SuperTuesday
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ExaltedUterus/status/1234943903515672576
#SuperTuesday #WarrenEndorseBernie
RT @BerniceKing@twitter.com
Dear #LosAngeles Voters: You have the just, humane opportunity to radically reduce the number of people in jail in the country’s largest municipal prison system by voting #YESonR.
We can dismantle #MassIncarceration.
#SuperTuesday #ReformLAJails
@OsopePatrisse@twitter.com @ReformLAJails@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BerniceKing/status/1234934507050016769
#ReformLAJails #SuperTuesday #massincarceration #YESonR #losangeles
RT @rebeccanagle@twitter.com
Not bc he’s perfect.
But because from Standing Rock, to climate change, to LGBTQ rights, to income inequity he’s been the most consistent candidate on the issues that I care about.
Today, I voted for @SenSanders@twitter.com.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rebeccanagle/status/1234895786497970176
RT @LiberalCEO@twitter.com
This poll is actually depressing.
People shouldn't feel trapped in jobs.
Employer-provided healthcare is a trap.
#MedicareForAll #Bernie2020 #SuperTuesday #VoteForBernie https://twitter.com/LiberalCEO/status/1234867368993677313
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LiberalCEO/status/1234923101764431872
#voteforbernie #SuperTuesday #Bernie2020 #MedicareForAll
RT @Blackmare00@twitter.com
Super Tuesday Results Watch Party 🎉
in Portland for #Bernie2020
with @SusanSarandon@twitter.com 🎊
🔹Tuesday, March 3
Bernie 2020 Maine HQ
2 Market St
Portland, ME 04101
#NotMeUs #VoteForBernie #SuperTuesday
RSVP: https://www.mobilize.us/sandersme/event/255642/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Blackmare00/status/1234915050965520384
#MEPrimary #SuperTuesday #voteforbernie #notmeus #Bernie2020 #maine #BigUs
RT @policyaboveall@twitter.com
So can we finally stop pretending that the Dem elites want to "win" against Trump? Its become painfully obvious their one goal is to stop @BernieSanders@twitter.com from changing our corrupt system & helping people. Let's send them a message today. #VoteForBernie #SuperTuesday
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/policyaboveall/status/1234818794478096389
RT @OFB2020@twitter.com
Bernie Sanders is running for president so that, when we are in the White House, the movement we build together can achieve economic, racial, social and environmental justice for all.#VoteForBernie #SuperTuesday
RT @BenSpielberg@twitter.com
If you’re a no party preference voter in California, want to vote for Bernie in the primary, and don’t see him on the ballot you got in the mail, don’t worry! Take that ballot with you to a polling place today and ask to exchange it for a Democratic primary ballot. #SuperTuesday
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BenSpielberg/status/1234854064925446144
Today is Super Tuesday. Find your polling location and vote for Bernie! 🐦
Super Tuesday - VOTE
#supertuesday Get out and #vote!
The powers that be want us apathetic, or alternatively too cognitively and emotionally overwhelmed to get engaged. I’m struggling with this myself, and with Arizona was voting today.
Personally I support Elizabeth Warren. She’s smart, tough, and terrifies #oldwhitemen. All of which I can get behind.
#oldwhitemen #vote #SuperTuesday
RT @WoobieTuesday@twitter.com
“The elite’s arrogance is appalling. Either they really don’t trust the rank-and-file or they don’t care about them.”
#SuperTuesday https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/elviadiaz/2020/03/02/bernie-sanders-shafted-elite-democrats-again-big-mistake/4934392002/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WoobieTuesday/status/1234724962822279168
RT @JamieSeagull@twitter.com
Joe Biden helped stop a bernie-supported Bill that would make it illegal to profiteer off of emergencies like #CoronaOutbreak
#PeteToBiden ?🤔
#Election2020 #SuperTuesday #BernieIsMyPresident https://twitter.com/davidsirota/status/1234539927880077313
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JamieSeagull/status/1234542774604615680
#BernieIsMyPresident #SuperTuesday #election2020 #PeteToBiden #CoronaOutbreak
RT @DrJai32@twitter.com
All hands on deck people.
Please donate and feel free to post a screenshot that you donated to motivate others.
Amount isn't important. A single dollar is more than you know.
We need to win big on #SuperTuesday.
#Bernie2020 https://twitter.com/GaryGrumbach/status/1233918464387112963