@threetails @douglasvb @GreenFire @fuchsiii We can blame the #USA's #EPA and their #CAFE regulations on the #Fattening of #Cars and the rise of the #SuperUselessVehicles ...
#SuperUselessVehicles #Cars #fattening #cafe #epa #USA
@MrLee @TheWarOnCars @BrentToderian @notjustbikes * nodds in agreement*
Espechally if we replace #SuperUselessVehicles with electric #SuperUselessVehicle|s that are equally inefficient.
If we can't get #PublicTransport - which is the correct solution - can we at least get #PersonalLightVehicles instead?
#personallightvehicles #publictransport #superuselessvehicle #SuperUselessVehicles
@forthy42 @SheDrivesMobility Idealerweise gäbs überall bezahlbaren, benutzbaren und barrierefreien #ÖPNV - notfalls als Anrufsammeltaxi.
Das ist jedoch unrealistisch...
Und ja, wir brauchen kleinere und sinnvollere Lösungen die einem wettergeschützt mobil halten...
Es braucht jedenfalls mehr und günstigere #PersonalLightVehicles anstelle von #SuperUselessVehicles!
#WasFehlt: das #TataNano-Equivalent eines #Kabinenroller!
#Kabinenroller #TATANano #wasfehlt #SuperUselessVehicles #personallightvehicles #opnv
@oliphant after all, #Boomers #ConsumeHappy themselves for decades amd literally #YOLO away the world in their #SuperUselessVehicles...
#boomers #SuperUselessVehicles #yolo #consumehappy
@mekkermuis @CamsJam @fuck_cars_bot personally I think we need to end to #SuperUselessVehicles craze and instead embrace #PersonalLightVehicles !
#personallightvehicles #SuperUselessVehicles
@wonka ...nor that it'll stop people from driving obscene #SuperUselessVehicles that are inefficient as hell...
@pezmico Also in terms of total CO² emissions and envoirmental impact both the current electrical mix [in Germany] and the production of #Lithium-#Cobalt #Batteries are potentially even far worse unless they last >250.000km.
Also there are no cheap electric cars for the same reason.
Ideally noone would need a car, but also there's a lack of small #PersonalLightVehicles inloeu of #SuperUselessVehicles.
#SuperUselessVehicles #personallightvehicles #batteries #cobalt #lithium
@insideclimatenews Also people still buy obnoxious #SuperUselessVehicles and not #PersonalLightVehicles...
#personallightvehicles #SuperUselessVehicles
@kim_harding Problem:
Cargo Bike can't be legally drivin on motor vehicle roads nor does it come with protection against the elements nor is it as accessible in terms of driving.
That being said, we need more #PersonalLightVehicles instead of #SuperUselessVehicles!
#SuperUselessVehicles #personallightvehicles
@patrislav @thijs_lucas Ja, denn was wirksam ist wäre #RechtAufGlasfaser (#FTTB + #FTTH - keine #FTTC-Veratsche wie #VDSL - #Vectoring oder #DOCSIS-#Koaxkabel) & #RechtAufHomeoffice, #RechtAufÖPNV & #RechtAufÖPFV (mit Buslinie in jedes Kaff) sowie #PersonalLightVehicles statt #SuperUselessVehicles, brauchbare #Sammellieferdienste für z.B. Lebensmittel...
#sammellieferdienste #SuperUselessVehicles #personallightvehicles #rechtaufopfv #rechtaufopnv #RechtaufHomeoffice #koaxkabel #docsis #Vectoring #VDSL #fttc #ftth #fttb #RechtAufGlasfaser
@yakkoj *nodds in agreement* Most #SuperUselessVehicles are only good at #MotorizedViolemce in urban areas.
None of those have a snorkel nor sufficient wading depth and water-tightness to be able to cross even most tranquil streams - much less storm floods full of debris & mud.
#motorizedviolemce #SuperUselessVehicles
@TheWarOnCars personally, I think the #SuperUselessVehicles are just egoistic abominations with inexcuseably shitty performance onroad and offroad as well as absurdly bad efficiency.
I mean who buys these abominations?
If people needed a 4x4 car, they'd choose a Suzuki Jimny. If they need a Pickup, they'd choose a Isuzu D-Max, if they needed a lot of 4x4 Performance, they'd choose a real Jeep.
Who besides rich boomers buys these shitty ego compensators like VW Tiguan?
@SheDrivesMobility #SuperUselessVehicles sind an sich nichts anderes als #Egomanie und passive #MotorisierteGewalt auf Rädern.
Und ja, diese ganze "#Crossover" - shice die weder #Allrad noch #Wattiefe hat ist in meinen Augen nutzloser Müll!
Entweder sollen die Leute was kleines [mit Allrad oder auch nicht] fahren oder ein Fahrzeug das wenigstens sinnvoll ist...
#WasHilft: Wenn #KfzSteuer nicht nach #Hubraum & #Emissionen sondern nach #Fahrzeugabmessungen berechnet würde!
#fahrzeugabmessungen #emissionen #Hubraum #kfzsteuer #washilft #wattiefe #allrad #Crossover #motorisiertegewalt #Egomanie #SuperUselessVehicles
@patioboater and that MG was already considere "obscenely long" when it was released...
#SuperUselessVehicles like the one next to it are just displays of #MilitantEgoism and passive-agressive #MotorizedViolence...
#motorizedViolence #militantegoism #SuperUselessVehicles
@notjustbikes I like those cute & smol vehicles....
Personally, I think we should not only make #PublicTransport and #biking better but also make #vehicles more efficient in terms of #space, #resources and overall design.
What we need are #PersonalLightVehicles and not #SuperUselessVehicles when Public Transport and/or biking is not an option.
#SuperUselessVehicles #personallightvehicles #resources #Space #vehicles #biking #publictransport
@dmoser Call me weird but in terms of pollution and #CO2, we should rather ban industrial animal farming like sheep, cattle and pigs instead, as they (as well as extensive fertilization) are by a factor of 10 more GWP-equivalent.
Also what is needed is to push for more #PublicTransport & #AccessibleBroadband in rural areas and an end to the #fattening of #cars aka. #SuperUselessVehicles as @notjustbikes showcased:
#SuperUselessVehicles #Cars #fattening #accessiblebroadband #publictransport #co2
@bhtooefr @TechConnectify @notjustbikes So in essence the meta for Japan doesn't ban #SuperUselessVehicles per-se, but noone - not even people living in the most rural and mountainous parts - wants to deal with a dummy THICC car that doesn't fit any parking spot and doesn't fit into any parking garage...
I mean I'm almost 2m and I'd propably need to wear a hardhat or constantly bash my forehead into the ceiling-mounted stuff in their garages...
@mekkaokereke the #fattening of cars into "#Crossovers" aka. #SuperUselessVehicles should not only be reverted but outright banned!
#SuperUselessVehicles #crossovers #fattening
@Elizafox explains why so many people buy #SuperUselessVehicles that have no reason doing so but compensating lack of sexual interactions.