The next wave of 'disruptive' innovation will be to claw back control from big tech, rebuilding services and economies at scale for real people encountering climate change & relative poverty. People disrupting profit. #superforecaster #bigtech
What can we learn about making good #predictions from the 1800s? A few things...
#predictions #Superforecaster #superforecasting #futurism #technology
What can we learn about making good #predictions from the 1800s? A few things...
#predictions #Superforecaster #superforecasting #futurism #technology
Science4All - son avis sur ... les champions de la prédiction #Bayes #Superforecaster De la logique, du bon sens ? Ou "une Mme Michu" bien meilleurs que des prévisionnistes de la CIA =)
Cette femme prédit mieux l'avenir que la CIA !
La vidéo: