Samuel Alito Is Wrong and Arrogant—and Must Be Reined In - The associate justice says Congress has no authority to regulate the Supreme Court. The Constitution he allegedly reveres says otherwise. A lot.
#SamuelAlitoWrong #SupremeCourtEthics #ConstitutionReveres #ReiningInAlito #CongressAuthority #ArrogantJustice #Politics #News
#samuelalitowrong #SupremeCourtethics #constitutionreveres #reininginalito #congressauthority #arrogantjustice #politics #news
The Supreme Court’s excuses for ethics violations insult our intelligence
#SupremeCourtEthics #EthicsViolations #IntelligenceInsult #JudiciaryOpinion #SupremeCourt #Ethics #Politics #News
#SupremeCourtethics #ethicsviolations #intelligenceinsult #judiciaryopinion #supremecourt #ethics #politics #news
Senators call for Supreme Court to follow ethics code like other branches of government
#SupremeCourtEthics #SenatorsCall #EthicsCode #GovernmentBranches #Congress #JohnRoberts #Politics #News
#SupremeCourtethics #senatorscall #ethicscode #governmentbranches #congress #johnroberts #politics #news
Warren, Jayapal Introduce Bill to Bind Supreme Court to Code of Ethics, Crack Down on Gifts and Trips
#Truthout #SupremeCourtEthics #GiftsAndTrips #WarrenJayapalBill #JudicialAccountability #EndJudicialCorruption #Politics #News
#truthout #SupremeCourtethics #giftsandtrips #warrenjayapalbill #judicialaccountability #endjudicialcorruption #politics #news
Enough is enough. Clarence Thomas must resign — or be impeached.
#MSNBC #ClarenceThomasResign #SupremeCourtEthics #ImpeachClarenceThomas #GinniThomasConflict #JudicialIntegrityMatters #Politics #News
#msnbc #ClarenceThomasResign #SupremeCourtethics #ImpeachClarenceThomas #ginnithomasconflict #judicialintegritymatters #politics #news
Clarence Thomas had a child in private school. Harlan Crow paid the tuition. - ProPublica #SupremeCourtEthics $6K/month no end to perks when one is in a position to be bought.
I would just say to Mr. Dupree ; Ginni Thomas is a Q-anon believer. #scotus #supremecourtethics
Michael Mukasey on Thomas' accepting Harlan Crow's largesse.. buying his mother's house-- is such shapeshifting and deceit. Again. Crow bought the house next door and tore it down because the neighbors were noisy.. Mukasey doesn't bring that up. #scotus #supremecourtethics
Jane Roberts has raked in over $20 million for her and her supreme court justice #scotus #supremecourtethics this is an illegitimate court.
Senator John Kennedy has this weird speech pattern; like a drunk.. like he's spittling. #scotus #supremecourtethics .. its so weird
Where is @SenFeinstein in today's #scotus #supremecourtethics hearing?
It has been a month since we have heard from Senator Feinstein regarding her ability to fulfill her obligations to the State of California as our Senator.
It is long past time that she resign.
Wow. Mike Lee is using race to defend Thomas' corruption. amazing.
#scotus #supremecourtethics
Oh wow. Listen to Mike Lee.. "a man.. who happens to be conservative.." wow...
#JohnCornyn plays the 'high tech lynching' quote from Thomas at his hearing. Cornyn is such a bottom feeder.. John Cornyn is shameless. #scotus #supremecourtethics Appalling deflection.
now Cornyn is talking 'assassination'.. you know who was assinated, 5 people in #ClevelandTX
#clevelandtx #SupremeCourtethics #SCOTUS #JohnCornyn
#scotus #supremecourtethics Thomas H. Dupree, Jr. is a member of the Federalist Society.
#IllegitimateSCOTUS #ClarenceThomasCorruption #ClarenceThomasMustResign #ReformTheCourt #SupremeCourtEthics #ExpandTheCourt Clarence Thomas & his wife Ginni are raking in millions from connections with Leonard Leo, the leader of the Federalist Society who has orchestrated the court’s hard-right turn. Leo is now overseeing Marble Freedom Trust, established to disburse funds from a $1.6 billion bequest to manipulate elections in favor of Republicans.
#IllegitimateSCOTUS #clarencethomascorruption #clarencethomasmustresign #reformthecourt #SupremeCourtethics #ExpandTheCourt
With the recent actions of some SCOTUS judges feeling like they are above any scrutiny or criticism, it's time to implement official code of ethics. Having term limits might not be a bad idea either. Ijs
Sen. Mark Warner:
The Supreme Court is bound by no official code of ethics.
These folks are unelected and serving lifetime terms – it’s time they’re held to some basic ethical code. I’m on a bill to change that.
#scotus #judges #supremecourttermlimits #SupremeCourtethics