Microsoft、「Surface Duo 2」と「Surface Duo」向けに2023年8月のシステムアップデートを配信開始|気になる、記になる…
「Surface Duo 2」は生産終了か|気になる、記になる…
「Surface Duo 2」と「Surface Duo」が5月のアップデート適用で再起動を繰り返す問題がようやく修正される|気になる、記になる…
#SurfaceDuo #SurfaceDuo2
povo2.0、対応端末に「Surface Duo 2」を追加|気になる、記になる…
#povo #SurfaceDuo2
「Surface Duo 2」向けに今月2回目のアップデート配信開始 − クラッシュやランダム再起動の問題が報告されているので要注意!!|気になる、記になる… #SurfaceDuo2
I am not really wanting to switch to an #iPhone because I like my #SurfaceDuo2 quite a lot. I do envy the #MagSafe accessories for iPhones, though. One thing I've always felt Apple does really well is cultivating the accessory ecosystem for their devices. It's frustrating that #Android device manufacturers don't do the same. I know it's much harder because of different form factors, but I still think they should try harder on this. It's a big detail that consumers subconsciously are drawn to.
#iphone #SurfaceDuo2 #magsafe #android
Microsoft、「Surface Duo 2」向けに2023年2月のアップデートを配信開始|気になる、記になる… #SurfaceDuo2
Aaaahhh, every time I read something longform on my #SurfaceDuo2 I want to span the app across both screens and have it reflow the text and graphics accordingly for a 2-page layout. I wish this were a basic feature of the device. #MobileTech #UX #foldables #Android #EReader #Microsoft
#SurfaceDuo2 #mobiletech #ux #foldables #android #ereader #microsoft
I wish that the #SurfaceDuo2 would automatically display anything I'm reading in 2-page layout if I span the app (like Chrome when reading a longform article) across the 2 screens. I know I'm asking for a lot, but it would make reading stuff on the Duo 2 so much cooler. #WishfulThinking #foldables #MobileTech #UX #Microsoft
#SurfaceDuo2 #wishfulthinking #foldables #mobiletech #ux #microsoft
Microsoft、「Surface Duo 2」向けに2023年1月のアップデートを配信開始|気になる、記になる… #SurfaceDuo2
Finally found THE reason to use a dual screen #SurfaceDuo2: Comparing different #Mastodon clients at the same time.
How to enable #WiredMicrophone in #GCam
#CreatedOnSurface #CreatedOnSurfaceDuo2
#wiredmicrophone #gcam #SurfaceDuo2 #CreatedOnSurface #createdonsurfaceduo2
Tell me which one sounds better
#SurfaceDuo #SurfaceDuo2 #GCam Video with Audio for compare
#CreatedOnSurface #CreatedOnSurfaceDuo #CreateedOnSurfaceDuo2
#SurfaceDuo #SurfaceDuo2 #gcam #CreatedOnSurface #createdonsurfaceduo #createedonsurfaceduo2
#Howto Connect @Microsoft @Surface #SurfaceDuo2 to @rodemics #RodeVideoMicro with Sound Compare
#howto #SurfaceDuo2 #rodevideomicro
Connecting 3.5mm Audio to USB C using UGreen Adapter with #SurfaceDuo #SurfaceDuo2
Having a lot of issues with Android 12L on #SurfaceDuo2. Calls keeping ringing after I answer, bluetooth is flakey, apps crash when using book mode.
This is quite a nerdy screenshot of my Surface Duo 2's home screens. #JWST #SurfaceDuo2 #TUILauncher
#jwst #SurfaceDuo2 #TUILauncher
I am worried about the Surface Duo line, mainly because I'm really enjoying using my Duo 2, and sadly, niche devices I really like tend to stay niche and eventually fade away. I hope I am wrong about this!
#SurfaceDuo2 #android #microsoft #foldables
Yay: I received my Surface Duo 2
Boo: It has such low battery I cannot get download the 2GB update required for setup.
#tech #mobiletech #SurfaceDuo2 #whining
書きました! / Microsoft、日本で Surface Duo 2 の発売を2022年1月11日から開始 - ジャンクお宝鑑定団
#Microsoft #Japan #SurfaceDuo2 #Release #January11 #Android #5G #Snapdragon888
#Snapdragon888 #5g #android #january11 #release #SurfaceDuo2 #japan #microsoft