For residents interested in #SurgEd:
We are pleased to be accepting applications for a 2-year, fully funded @UofUSurgery Surgical Education Research Fellowship position beginning in July, 2024.
Application deadline: April 1, 2023. See thread below for more detail!
You know it, we know it, your patients know it. Your oath will be with you until the end of your days. However, it never hurts to remember it: #IamAIS
#iamais #some4surgery #surgery #surgeons #SurgEd
Everyone wins with #AISChannel Yet there are those outstanding sessions during the year which receive more than the average number of viewers. π This year we applaud the following 3 Surgical Open Classroom episodes.
πIN 2nd PLACE for best #surgicalopenclassroom in β22 we have:
Complete Mesocolic Excision Fluorescence-Guided: in search of lymphatic flow with Dr. Gonzalo P. Martin Martin
#surgicaltraining #SoMe4Surgery #surgery #SurgEd #aischannel
#aischannel #surgicalopenclassroom #surgicaltraining #some4surgery #surgery #SurgEd
1st post on Mastodon, so here goes: I'm a general surgeon with interests in #hernia #GERD #reflux #simulation #MedEd #SurgEd #surgery. Not sure how many other surgeons are on this platform yet, but interested in finding out!
#hernia #GERD #reflux #simulation #MedEd #SurgEd #surgery