The Google/Apple duopoly rakes 30% off every subscription payment collected in an app. The Google/Meta duopoly rakes 51% out of every ad-dollar (and maintain that death-grip through creepy, #privacy-invading #SurveillanceAds). Meta and Twitter hold social media subscribers hostage, forcing publishers to pay to reach *their own subscribers*.
As long as #journalists keep on regurgitating this #marketing bullshit about "highly relevant ads" we will never be free of #SurveillanceAds.
(Screenshot from #PoliticoEurope newsletter)
#journalists #marketing #SurveillanceAds #politicoeurope #TrackingFreeAds #Privacy #gdpr #surveillance
Norway Took On Meta’s Surveillance Ads and Won
'Meta has long fought Europe's demands that it get people's consent before using their data for targeted ads. Then a Norwegian regulator threatened fines of $100,000 per day.'
#surveillancecapitalism #SurveillanceAds #capitalism
🎉 In other news:
24 European Parliament lawmakers from the @TheProgressives, #Renew, @eppgroup, @ecrgroup and the @EP_GreensEFA asked Parliament President #RobertaMetsola to suspend #advertising campaigns run through #Google’s parent company #Alphabet and on #YouTube over fears they could be sponsoring Russian #propaganda. They also urged to reallocate the EP’s advertising budgets to “trustworthy" ads methods (think: #TrackingFreeAds).
#renew #RobertaMetsola #advertising #google #Alphabet #youtube #propaganda #TrackingFreeAds #trackingads #SurveillanceAds #Privacy #foreigninfluence
Why do I care if #Google and #Facebook know everything about me?
Ehm, "The US Is Openly Stockpiling Dirt on All Its Citizens"
#privacy #surveillance #bigtech #adtech #surveillanceads #tracking
#google #facebook #Privacy #surveillance #bigtech #adtech #SurveillanceAds #tracking
Each week since, I've published a specific policy recommendation. The first one was breaking up the #AdTech industry, on the lines suggested by #SenatorMikeLee's #AMERICAAct:
Next was passing comprehensive privacy law, which would kill off #SurveillanceAds and force a switch to "contextual ads" (ads based on what you're looking at, not who you are):
#adtech #senatormikelee #americaact #SurveillanceAds
This week, I've got a followup about another important way to unrig the ad market: banning #SurveillanceAds:
Even if we break up the ad-tech stacks, ads will still be bad for the news - and for the public. That's because the dominant form of digital ads is "#BehavioralAdvertising" - the ad-tech sector's polite euphemism for ads based on spying. You know these ads: you search for shoes and then every website you land on is plastered in shoe ads.
#SurveillanceAds #behavioraladvertising
Referenced link:
Originally posted by EFF /
#SurveillanceAds aren’t just creepy - they’re bad for news media, letting big tech grab most of every ad dollar. Killing commercial surveillance gives us the privacy we deserve - and it'd help news companies get the share of ad money they deserve, too.
I'm at #cpdp2023 now in case someone wants to meet up.
First up: @awo panel on the horrors of the #SurveillanceAds industry.
Always weird discussing this on a conference sponsored by the largest surveillance add perpetrators (this year including #Tiktok).
#cpdp2023 #SurveillanceAds #tiktok
“It’s time to pass bipartisan legislation to stop #BigTech from collecting personal data on our kids and teenagers online".
“Ban targeted advertising on children, and impose stricter limits on the personal data that companies collect on all of us.”
I guess that's good news?
#joebiden #bigtech #adtech #SurveillanceAds #Privacy #uspolicy
I love how @jon jumps right on it by saying what a scandal it is that platform companies are even allowed to sell what basically is #spyware as "free service" to people. Remaking the case for banning #SurveillanceAds #PrivacyCamp23
#spyware #SurveillanceAds #PrivacyCamp23
Molt bones noticies. Sentencia important.
Poc a poc es va laminant el core del model de #SurveillanceAds #SurveillanceCapitalism
Una mica de models de negoci alternatius, unamica de tecnologies descentralitzades, unamica de litigació jurídica, com la que descriu aquest anunci ...
#SurveillanceAds #surveillancecapitalism
But this is a more flexible system than it sounds. It allows any device to start tagging devices and their users regardless of network, carrier and operating system. It's not detectable as malware, and a VPN won't block it. It's frankly brilliant. Alterations in frequency can be used to tag unique nodes. With sound strength as a proxy variable for distance. if one device in the area has geolocation enabled, the whole cluster is identified. #survellance #SurveillanceAds #capitalism
#survellance #SurveillanceAds #capitalism
🇬🇧At 12:00 the LIBE Committee will vote on whether to ban manipulative #surveillanceads before elections and votes only on online platforms or also when targeted at large scale via post, email, SMS or messenger services. Read more: #trackingfreeads
#SurveillanceAds #TrackingFreeAds
Big #privacy news:
Human rights campaigner Tanya O’Carroll sues #Facebook over its #SurveillanceAds. She asks the Court to enforce unqualified “right to object” under #GDPR.
#Privacy #facebook #SurveillanceAds #gdpr
Don't ask me how #LinkedIn's #advertising #algorithm thought I was in the market of luxury apartments in #Barcelona "starting at €2.4 million" 🤷♂️
#linkedin #advertising #algorithm #barcelona #AdFail #SurveillanceAds #TrackingFreeAds
RT from The Consumer Voice (@beuc)
There are companies that make their money from watching and following everything you do as a consumer. It’s beyond creepy. And it’s affecting every one of us. We believe now is a good time to ban #SurveillanceAds.
Original tweet :