#GangStalking #DirectedEnergyWeapons #HIPPAViolations #SurveillanceCapitalism #ChildAbuse #USA #CivilRightsAbuse #ACAB #PeepingTomPolice
#peepingtompolice #ACAB #civilrightsabuse #USA #childabuse #SurveillanceCapitalism #hippaviolations #directedenergyweapons #gangstalking
Okok, being against #surveillancecapitalism is good. Check. And you shouldn't use #YouTube. Check. You should use a #PeerTube instead. Check.
Tried that.
End result: Suddenly the instance decided not to allow embeds on websites. Which was the whole point of using themin the first place.
Asked what was that about (email, here). Nobody replied.
So, we're back to using YouTube. At least it works.
It's so easy to be a fucking #fediverse jesus, until you actually need to do shit with it.
#Fediverse #PeerTube #YouTube #SurveillanceCapitalism
I made a lot of progress with my depression these past weeks and am finally motivated to read and write again.
I've started writing an #AutoBiography a long time ago, to cope with what I've been through, but also to release it one day.
I'd love to let other people contribute chapters to my book. Essays on various topics that come up in my story.
So now I'm asking you all, if there is anyone who could think of writing such an essay for me, because you are affected by the topic yourself, or are an expert in the field.
Or if you know someone, who would be perfect for that topic.
Here are a few of the topics:
#Fediverse ( @ueckueck, you said you might write that one, still interested?)
There are other topics as well, but I already have people in mind who I'll directly ask to write essays about them; especially topics around #ClimateJustice.
The essays should be at least 2-5 pages long and provide a general gist about the topic, but ideally also contain something personal, like what the topic means to you.
Written in #English or #German.
Preliminary deadline is summer '24, but a lot can change until then and if you need longer, don't worry.
Please :boost: #boost. Thanks. ❤️
#author #book #writing #essay #FollowerPower
#autobiography #depression #genderidentity #asexuality #SurveillanceCapitalism #Fediverse #SocialPhobia #wtfromance #selfharm #suicidality #ClimateJustice #English #german #boost #author #book #writing #Essay #FollowerPower
TIL about proxying HTTP(S) over alternative ports. Will never be restricted by convention again! This also gives me a lot of faith in making the offline Web possible; we need to get creative on discovery.
At the same time, I question if making it easy for people to run dragnets of one another would be a good thing in a world of surveillance (at least everything will be encrypted? ephemeral since if you can't decrypt it, you shouldn't keep it? I think this is kind of what #Veilid's goal has convinced me too, that we have to make it HARD to want to invest in #SurveillanceCapitalism the same way we've given options for other music platforms, gaming stores and even now how we communicate.
It's a yo-yo because it gets into technosaviorism but from a half degrowth/half-"enjoy what you have" mindset, a want to revert the damage that electronic consumerism beset by the early 80s and 90s.
#veilid #SurveillanceCapitalism
As if we needed more reasons to hate the auto industry.
#CarBrain #UbiquitousSurveillance #SurveillanceCapitalism #Tesla #BigData #privacy
#carbrain #ubiquitoussurveillance #SurveillanceCapitalism #tesla #bigdata #privacy
Ein Vorteil meines #Fahrrad's gegenüber #Auto's, über den ich bislang nie nachgedacht hatte, ist, dass es sich nicht für meine "sexuelle Aktivität“ und „religiösen Anschauungen" interessiert. Oder genetische Informationen sammelt. #Datenschutz #surveillancecapitalism https://netzpolitik.org/2023/untersuchung-von-us-datenschutzbestimmungen-moderne-autos-sind-ein-privatsphaere-alptraum/
#fahrrad #auto #Datenschutz #SurveillanceCapitalism
Oh, are their #DronesOverBrooklyn?
Dystopian Nightmare Engaged. But hey, there is a song about it, thanks to El-P. #IntheNews #NYC #SurveillanceCapitalism
#SurveillanceCapitalism #nyc #inthenews #dronesoverbrooklyn
@Jessicascott09 I just read X/Twitter wants to collect all users' biometric data. For my biometric data, it costs 20K only to submit a form to apply to collect it, if I accept it can be collected the price starts at 888 million per microsample to be destroyed in 30 days. My child's data will never be consented to be collected. #SurveillanceCapitalism
@parismarx @molly0xfff Everything except #Monero :monero: is a #Shitcoin.
Espechally #Bitcoin :bitcoin: and #WorldCoin...
#SurveillanceCapitalism #WorldCoin #Bitcoin #shitcoin #monero
@thor @jonossaseuraava @AmyZenunim #SurveillanceCapitalism is why you should care. Signal stalking is even worse if the state is mad at you.
@martinweidauer Natürlich nicht.
#Threads ist #NSAbook und damit inhärent #SurveillanceCapitalism also #shice ( siehe https://fedipact.online ) und #BlueSky ist für #Twitter-User mit #StockholmSyndrom...
#stockholmsyndrom #Twitter #bluesky #shice #SurveillanceCapitalism #NSAbook #threads
Coming soon in #Mastodon v4.2.0:
👀 3rd-party JavaScript spyware loaded without users' consent.
#Mastodon #privacy #SurveillanceCapitalism #MastoAdmin
Norway took on Meta’s surveillance ads and won.
Meta has long fought Europe's demands that it get people's consent before using their data for targeted ads. Then a Norwegian regulator threatened to ban Meta’s behavioral ads in Norway and pledged to fine the tech giant $100,000 per day unless the company changed its ways.
#Norway #Europe #EU #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #Privacy #DataProtection #SurveillanceCapitalism #Ads #Advertising
#advertising #ads #SurveillanceCapitalism #dataprotection #Privacy #Instagram #Facebook #Meta #EU #Europe #Norway
@bubbline I'm not going into the fact that shit like #ChatGPT - like everyting any GAFAM ever touched - is part of #SurveillanceCapitalism and will be weaponized in the #surveillanceDragnet of #PRISM and other programs.
The only winning move is not to feed said actors with data, because they'll use it regardless if it's legal or not, because they'll sell it to the State.
But that requires thinking and self-moderation and not just consuming shit.
#prism #surveillancedragnet #SurveillanceCapitalism #chatgpt
@henry @beka_valentine @vowe OFC, because #WorldCoil is literally #SurveillanceCapitalism and in it's #ModiOperandi as shit as the literal #Stasi!
Everyone who does that shitty #BiometricScan must be know as a #Snitch cuz they're ratting themselves out for $15 in scrib money they can't even buy a Mountain Dew from...
#snitch #biometricscan #stasi #modioperandi #SurveillanceCapitalism #worldcoil
@kvuzet no, it's a purposeful support for #NSAbook and #SurveillanceCapitalism ...
Noone forces them to be there - neither groups nor users!
#SurveillanceCapitalism #NSAbook
@Em0nM4stodon EXACTLY!
That's why everyone should refuse to be an "unofficial employee" of #NSAbook and stip feeding #Stasi 4.0's #SurveillanceCapitalism with data!
#SurveillanceCapitalism #stasi #NSAbook
Seriously, someone needs to work on their #EscalatingCommitment to a #Corporation that doesn't even pay them minimum wage...
#Signal is not your friend nor a solution to #SurveillanceCapitalism, because they too need to make ends meet!
#SurveillanceCapitalism #Signal #corporation #escalatingcommitment
@chrisisgr8 this is why I'll never drive a new car...
Too much bs like #eCall that only serves as #TechBro #SurveillanceCapitalism #Sextoy!
#sextoy #SurveillanceCapitalism #techbro #eCall