"These cameras have slowly cropped up in the city of Hyderabad over the last few years, bringing the total city-wide count to more than 580,000"
Hyderabad has an area of 650 sq km.
That makes it almost 900 cameras per sq km.
RT @BharatVarma3@twitter.com
"Hyderabad was recently named as the city with the most number of CCTV cameras in India, and the 16th most surveilled city in the world"
(Updated: 10 Nov 2020)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BharatVarma3/status/1404164413565722624
"Hyderabad was recently named as the city with the most number of CCTV cameras in India, and the 16th most surveilled city in the world"
(Updated: 10 Nov 2020)
Termes romanes de Sant Esteve de les Roures
Spain is monitoring social networks to check about "dangerous or criminal speeches" and "misinformation campaigns"
#SurveillanceWatch #standupforcatalonia