Pickman's Paintbrush · @PickmanPaintbrush
52 followers · 188 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

New Post! And judging by the fact people never flock to read about the popular Romero movies, no one is ever, ever gonna touch this one, despite it being better than you remember! This week, covering Romero's final film, the maligned Survival of the Dead.


#georgeromero #zombie #SurvivalOfTheDead #horror #HorrorFam #horrorfamily #horrorfilm #horrormovie #zombiefilm

Last updated 1 year ago

Eric Woolfe · @ericwoolfe
82 followers · 64 posts · Server bbq.snoot.com

Okey. I'm taking a second shot at an improved post, now that I'm slightly less confused.

I'm an - not necessarily in that order. I run an company in - www.eldritchtheatre.ca - that specializes in tales of the uncanny and ghoulishly giddy. We also manage a humble storefront theatre - www.redsandcastletheatre.com.

You've maybe seen me in , , or

#Toronto #CabinetofCuriosities #Fatman #SurvivalOfTheDead #introducton #actor #writer #magician #puppeteer #indie #theatre

Last updated 2 years ago

Eric Woolfe · @ericwoolfe
36 followers · 19 posts · Server bbq.snoot.com

Okey. I'm taking a second shot at an proved post, now that I'm slightly less confused.

I'm an , , , - not necessarily in that order. I run an company in -www.eldritchtheatre.ca- that specializes in takes of the creepy, uncanny and ghoulishly giddy. We also manage a humble storefront theatre that serves as our base of operations.

You've maybe seen me in , , or

#introducton #actor #writer #magician #puppeteer #indie #theatre #Toronto #CabinetofCuriosities #Fatman #SurvivalOfTheDead

Last updated 2 years ago