Revealed: the shocking growth of obscene wealth and extreme poverty #SurvivalOfTheRichest #TaxTheRich to #FightInequality
#fightinequality #taxtherich #SurvivalOfTheRichest
Too often, we distract ourselves & get lost in pseudo-debates. Let's focus and put these 3 numbers from new (again in time for everywhere:
1st - for the first time in 25years, extreme wealth
AND extreme poverty sharply increased 1/4
Revealed: the shocking growth of obscene wealth and extreme poverty #SurvivalOfTheRichest #TaxTheRich to #FightInequality
#fightinequality #taxtherich #SurvivalOfTheRichest
#BreakingNews Hard work does NOT pay. Privilege, inherited wealth and political power that's been bought and paid for do. Billionaire wealth is increasing by $2.7 BILLION each day. Let’s end the era of #SurvivalOfTheRichest.
#SurvivalOfTheRichest #breakingnews
Revealed: the shocking growth of obscene wealth and extreme poverty #SurvivalOfTheRichest #TaxTheRich to #FightInequality
#fightinequality #taxtherich #SurvivalOfTheRichest
Revealed: the shocking growth of obscene wealth and extreme poverty #SurvivalOfTheRichest #TaxTheRich to #FightInequality
#fightinequality #taxtherich #SurvivalOfTheRichest
Revealed: the shocking growth of obscene wealth and extreme poverty #SurvivalOfTheRichest #TaxTheRich to #FightInequality
#fightinequality #taxtherich #SurvivalOfTheRichest
RT @Oxfam: Today’s inflation crisis isn’t only about supply and demand. It’s also linked to corporate price profiteering. It’s time to #TaxTheRich and make food and energy corporations and their billionaire titans to pay their fair share. #SurvivalOfTheRichest
#TaxTheRich #SurvivalOfTheRichest
#eudk #taxjustice #equality
RT @Oxfam: Extreme wealth and extreme poverty have increased simultaneously for the first time in 25 years. Billionaire wealth is booming, while millions struggle to survive. Let’s end this era of #SurvivalOfTheRichest. It’s time to #TaxTheRich to #FightInequality.
#eudk #TaxJustice #Equality #SurvivalOfTheRichest #TaxTheRich #FightInequality
RT @chatukhor
64 p.c. of the INR 14.83 lakh Cr in GST came from bottom 50 pc in 2021-22. 33 pc from the middle 40 pc and only 3 pc from the top 10 pc. The bottom 50 pc pays six times more on indirect taxes compared to the top 10 p.c. #Oxfam #SurvivalOfTheRichest
RT @Oxfam
Extreme wealth and extreme poverty have increased simultaneously for the first time in 25 years. Billionaire wealth is booming, while millions struggle to survive. Let’s end this era of #SurvivalOfTheRichest. It’s time to #TaxTheRich to #FightInequality.
#FightInequality #taxtherich #SurvivalOfTheRichest
Uligheden vokser og vokser.
De fattige er stadigt fattige, men de rige bliver rigere og rigere og rigere.
År efter år.
Vi må bekæmpe ulighed: #TaxTheRich
#dkpol #eupol #ulighed
RT @Oxfam: In our #SurvivalOfTheRichest economy the ultra-rich gain wealth from a combo of YOUR hard work, and their inheritance, tax dodging & using public $ to up their profit. It's time to #TaxTheRich
#TaxTheRich #dkpol #EUPOL #ulighed #SurvivalOfTheRichest
The new report by @oxfam shows how unsustainable 'business as usual' really is. We must relentlessly fight against tax dodging and find better ways for redistributing #wealth.
RT @Oxfam: The richest 1% have pocketed $26 trillion (£21 trillion) in new wealth since 2020, nearly twice as much as the other 99 per cent of the world’s population, an @Oxfam report reveals today. #SurvivalOfTheRichest
Como é que é, @psocialista @antoniocostapm @F__Medina ???
RT @Oxfam: Extreme wealth and extreme poverty have increased simultaneously for the first time in 25 years. Billionaire wealth is booming, while millions struggle to survive. Let’s end this era of #SurvivalOfTheRichest. It’s time to #TaxTheRich to #FightInequality.
#SurvivalOfTheRichest #TaxTheRich #FightInequality
RT @Oxfam: The richest 1% have pocketed $26 trillion (£21 trillion) in new wealth since 2020, nearly twice as much as the other 99 per cent of the world’s population, an @Oxfam report reveals today. #SurvivalOfTheRichest
Terwijl het leven duurder en duurder wordt, verdienen miljardairs 2.7 miljard extra.
Per dag..
Een belasting op multimiljonairs zal hun niet eens opvallen. Maar wel het leven veranderen van allen in armoede.
RT @Oxfam: Extreme wealth and extreme poverty have increased simultaneously for the first time in 25 years. Billionaire wealth is booming, while millions struggle to survive. Let’s end this era of #SurvivalOfTheRichest. It’s…
Extreme wealth and extreme poverty have increased simultaneously for the first time in 25 years. Billionaire wealth is booming, while millions struggle to survive. Let’s end this era of #SurvivalOfTheRichest. It’s time to #TaxTheRich to #FightInequality.
#fightinequality #taxtherich #SurvivalOfTheRichest
The rich are much richer, & corporate profits have hit record highs, driving an explosion of inequality.
There is a straightforward yet incredibly efficient solution:
Tax the rich. Now.
#Davos23 #SurvivalOfTheRichest #SingleMarket30
RT @Oxfam: In our #SurvivalOfTheRichest economy the ultra-rich gain wealth from a combo of YOUR hard work, and their inheritance, tax dodging & using public $ to up their profit. It's time to #TaxTheRich
#Davos23 #SurvivalOfTheRichest #singlemarket30 #TaxTheRich
Government exists to protect public health, safety, and welfare. Or at least it did until Reagan Republicans decided that people who couldn’t afford to save themselves did not deserve to live. #RuggedIndividualism #Eugenics #Libertarians #DeathCult #SocialDarwinism #SurvivalOfTheFittest #SurvivalOfTheRichest
Vote for Democrats
#SurvivalOfTheRichest #survivalofthefittest #SocialDarwinism #deathcult #libertarians #eugenics #RuggedIndividualism