So, just like most of the people we tag as “celebs” these days?
#MeghanMarkle #PrinceHarry #Sussexes
#Sussexes #princeharry #meghanmarkle
#AbolishTheMonarchy is still an option is you don’t want the #Sussexes to have their birthright royal titles!
Otherwise it’s theirs to use as see fit just like the #York #Princess who are #happy non #Working royals.
Why the #outrage just for the Sussexes’s children?
#Charles also trash the #Monarchy! #Racism
#Prince #Harry and #Meghan’s #Children Will Use #Royal #Titles | Time
#abolishthemonarchy #Sussexes #york #princess #happy #working #outrage #charles #monarchy #racism #prince #harry #meghan #children #royal #titles
Nächster Schritt im Rechtsstreit
Meghan und Harry dürfen vor Gericht befragt werden
Meghan Markle habe nicht nagewiesen, dass es ungewöhnliche Umstände gebe, die eine Aussetzung der Befragung rechtfertigen würden, so Richterin Charlene Edwards Honeywell zur Klage von Halbschwester Samantha. Sie möchte 75.000 US-Dollar als Schmerzensgeld für erlittene Herabsetzungen. Die allerdings sind nicht ganz klar. Weiterlesen: / #sussexes #samathamarkle
Gonna start the year with a controversial toot y'all -- Here goes:
I really don't have anything against Megan Markle.
Take *that* truth, world!
#edgelordbullshit #Sussexes #meganmarkle
Hasskommentar hat Folgen
Harry und Meghan wollen Entschuldigung nicht akzeptieren
Wohl nicht aus innerer Einsicht, sondern eher als Reaktion auf die über 17.000 Beschwerden beim britischen Presserat haben die englische Boulevardzeitung The Sun veranlasst, sich bei den durch einen wüsten Hasskommentar beleidigten Royals Harry und Meghan zu entschuldigen. Warum die davon nichts wissen wollen. Weiterlesen: / #meghanundharry #sussexes
Anyone else a bit sick and tired of all the attention the new #Megflix series is getting. I'm personally a bit bored of it now. Surely there are more important things going on in the world, rather than a couple of spoilt millionaires airing their dirty laundry in public?
#HarryAndMeghan #Netflix #Megxit #Royals #Sussexes #RoyalFamily
#Megflix #HarryandMeghan #netflix #Megxit #royals #Sussexes #RoyalFamily
Anyone else a bit sick and tired of all the attention the new #Megflix series is getting. I'm personally a bit bored of it now. Surely there are more important things going on in the world, rather than a couple of spoilt millionaires airing their dirty laundry in public?
#HarryAndMegan #Netflix #Megxit #Royals #Sussexes #RoyalFamily
#Megflix #harryandmegan #netflix #Megxit #royals #Sussexes #RoyalFamily
#meghanmarkle looks absolutely beautiful. #rippleofhope #SussexSquad #sussexes #princeharry #HarryAndMeghan
#HarryAndMeghan #princeharry #Sussexes #SussexSquad #rippleofhope #meghanmarkle
Wrote a #poem which seems relevant right now.
#MeghanMarkle #Meghan #Harry #PrinceHarry @HarryAndMeghan #DuchessofSussex #DukeofSussex #Dukeandduchessofsussex #Sussexes #BritishRoyalFamily #RoyalFamily #Netflix #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetsoftwitter #amwriting
#poem #meghanmarkle #meghan #harry #princeharry #duchessofsussex #DukeOfSussex #DukeAndDuchessOfSussex #Sussexes #britishroyalfamily #royalfamily #netflix #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetsoftwitter #amWriting
@scobie #SussexSquad save the date!😁
#Meghan👑🇺🇸 #MeghanMarkle #Archetypes #Spotify #Sussexes #Sussex #BlackMastadon Black #BlackTwitter #Royal #SussexRoyals
#sussexsquad #meghan #meghanmarkle #Sussexes #sussex #archetypes #spotify #SussexRoyals #BlackMastadon #blacktwitter #royal
#MeghanMarkle #Philantropie #Activist #Sussexes #Sussexs #DuchessofSussex #Royals #AbolishTheMonarchy #Freedom
#freedom #AbolishTheMonarchy #royals #duchessofsussex #Sussexs #Sussexes #activist #philantropie #meghanmarkle #meghan
#Sussex #Sussexes
#Sussexs #Meghan #Harry #HarryandMeghan #MeghanandHarry #Netflix
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Netflix Series Premiering in December
#netflix #MeghanAndHarry #HarryAndMeghan #harry #meghan #Sussexs #Sussexes #sussex
We just love them #MeghanHarry #HarryMeghan #Sussexes #SussexRoyal #MeghanMarkle #PrinceHarry
#princeharry #meghanmarkle #SussexRoyal #Sussexes #Harrymeghan #meghanharry
What you say is likely true, but I still have some sympathy for the #Sussexes .
When she says that the UK press treated her badly, and that there was little defence from the #RoyalFamily , that may be true; when she claims that the Royals and the press have an unhealthy relationship, it's certainly true. And #PrinceHarry has long wanted to get out.
I suppose the big takeaway is that if you don't want drama in your life, then don't marry an actress.
#princeharry #royalfamily #Sussexes
Michael Brendan Dougherty on Twitter: "The Markle thesis is that self-pity and self-expression are healing; duty and restraint are toxic. She’s putting celeb life vs royal life into full conflict. It is fascinating she was able to nab a prince and conduct this trial by combat." / Twitter
#Sussexes #royalfamily #michaelbrendandougherty