L`ex avvocato della campagna presidenziale di Hillary Clinton non è stato arrestato per tradimento - Facta #DonaldTrump #ElezionipresidenzialiUSA #hillaryclinton #mondo #Sussman #trump #14giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9mYWN0YS5uZXdzL25vdGl6aWEtZmFsc2EvMjAyMi8wNi8xMy9sZXgtYXZ2b2NhdG8tZGVsbGEtY2FtcGFnbmEtcHJlc2lkZW56aWFsZS1kaS1oaWxsYXJ5LWNsaW50b24tbm9uLWUtc3RhdG8tYXJyZXN0YXRvLXBlci10cmFkaW1lbnRvJWVmJWJmJWJjLw==
#14giugno #trump #Sussman #mondo #hillaryclinton #ElezionipresidenzialiUSA #donaldtrump
⚖️ #Durham #Sussman Prosecution is Roadmap to #HRC #ClintonCampaign prosecutions.
🪐 WeCaughtThemAll
⚖️ #CrimeOfTheCentury
#Durham #Sussman #HRC #ClintonCampaign #CrimeOfTheCentury #MAGA #MEGA
Wow, #Sussman found NOT GUILTY by a D.C. jury (stacked with relatives of the swamp, of course). This shows two very important things:
1) There really are TWO systems of "justice" in America. One for (criminal) Dems, and another one for innocent J6 protesters.
2) The White Hats are NOT in control. They are being defeated. Durham was just handed a huge loss. There is no positive spin that can explain this huge loss.
24) Special Prosecutor John #Durham and his van-load of federal lawyers arrived at U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., Tuesday morning. Former #Clinton attorney Michael #Sussman's false statement trial is expected to last two weeks. https://twitter.com/JFHaughey58/status/1526548721009311744
6) More than 30 DC residents have been tabbed thus far to potentially sit on the jury for former Clinton attorney Michael #Sussman's trial. Judge Christopher Cooper, Prosecutor Michael Keilty, and defense attorney Sean Berkowitz each asking the same questions of potential jurors. https://twitter.com/JFHaughey58/status/1526280252133101573
5) #Sussman trial jury selection resumes at 1:35 pm. The defense team was successful in having the accountant excused because her firm did former FBI counsel Jim Baker’s taxes. https://twitter.com/JFHaughey58/status/1526252858697449474