What is the relationship between the principle of solidarity in international law, societal goals of sustainability, and the role of business? In my latest paper on SSRN I venture into these questions. As is evident from the several references to work-in-progress papers, this paper reflects ongoing thinking, and I would therefore be especially happy for any constructive comments!
#Solidarity #Sustainability #PlanetaryBoundaries
#Business #CompanyLaw #SustainabilityLaw
#solidarity #sustainability #planetaryboundaries #business #CompanyLaw #SustainabilityLaw
The courts as guardians of the environment and of social justice have a potentially groundbreaking role in the fundamental transformation to sustainability. Kudos to Greenpeace, Client Earth and other organisations for their innovative and creative use of law for good. #EUlaw #SustainabilityLaw https://www.greenpeace.org/eu-unit/issues/climate-energy/46630/greenpeace-files-lawsuit-against-the-european-commission-to-end-gas-and-nuclear-greenwashing/
Hold the date 14 March for our next major #SustainabilityLaw event, in Athens, Greece! This hybrid conference is on #SustainableValueCreation #Law #Governance & #SMEs! Registration to open very soon! #SustainabilityLaw #SMEs #Cooperatives #SustainableValueCreation https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7031208122677346305/
#SustainabilityLaw #sustainablevaluecreation #law #governance #smes #cooperatives
Now Shruti Kashyap, Uppsala University, presenting hers and Beatrice Crona's work on Accounting for #Sustainability #Risks in the #EU financial sector. #SustainabilityLaw
#sustainability #risks #eu #SustainabilityLaw
Powerful start to our #SustainabilityLaw #Risks of #Unsustainability Conference with @pkeys presenting on #Anthropocene Risks!
#SustainabilityLaw #risks #unsustainability #anthropocene
Tomorrow, at the #Risks of #Unsustainability Conference, I will be presenting based on my newest paper at SSRN, which is a preprint of the draft chapter I am contributing to The Cambridge Handbook of EU Sustainable Finance: Regulation, Supervision and Governance, edited by Kern Alexander, Matteo Gargantini and Michele Siri (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2023). As always, I welcome all comments! #SustainabilityLaw
#risks #unsustainability #SustainabilityLaw
So great to see all who have registered already! Still possible to register for digital participation at this hybrid conference! Join us 7-8 Dec as we go beyond financial risks of #ClimateChange to a research-based concept of risks encompassing #PlanetaryBoundaries & #SocialFoundations & discuss its integration in #finance, #accounting & #companylaw #corpgov! #SustainabilityLaw #SustainableBusiness https://www.jus.uio.no/english/research/areas/sustainabilitylaw/events/2022/conference-2022/conference-12-2022.html
#ClimateChange #planetaryboundaries #SocialFoundations #finance #accounting #CompanyLaw #CorpGov #SustainabilityLaw #SustainableBusiness
Deadline to register for physical participation at this hybrid conference: 30 November! Join us 7-8 Dec as we go beyond financial risks of #ClimateChange to a research-based concept of risks encompassing #PlanetaryBoundaries & #SocialFoundations & discuss its integration in #finance, #accounting & #companylaw #corpgov! #SustainabilityLaw #SustainableBusiness #Sustainability https://www.jus.uio.no/english/research/areas/sustainabilitylaw/events/2022/conference-2022/conference-12-2022.html
#ClimateChange #planetaryboundaries #SocialFoundations #finance #accounting #CompanyLaw #CorpGov #SustainabilityLaw #SustainableBusiness #sustainability
Join us 7-8 Dec as we go beyond financial risks of #ClimateChange to a research-based concept of risks encompassing #PlanetaryBoundaries & #SocialFoundations & discuss its integration in #finance, #accounting & #companylaw #corpgov! The conference is hybrid: Participation through Zoom possible as is also physical participation. Tapas reception w/jazz quintet on 7 Dec! Few physical seats available. Register today! #SustainabilityLaw #SustainableBusiness https://www.jus.uio.no/english/research/areas/sustainabilitylaw/events/2022/conference-2022/conference-12-2022.html
#ClimateChange #planetaryboundaries #SocialFoundations #finance #accounting #CompanyLaw #CorpGov #SustainabilityLaw #SustainableBusiness
In this paper, @jukkamahonen and I propose that business law theory should be reconceptualised. We explain why and suggest how - and we are looking forward to constructive comments before we submit this as an article to a journal! #SustainabilityLaw #LegalTheory #Interdisciplinarity #Sustainability #RegulatoryEcology #BusinessLaw #CompanyLaw #Law #Economics
#SustainabilityLaw #legaltheory #interdisciplinarity #sustainability #regulatoryecology #businesslaw #CompanyLaw #law #economics
Happy that research I am involved raises interest!
#corporatelaw #companylaw #businesslaw #finance #company #corporation #accounting #auditing #audit #corporatesustainability #sustainabilitylaw #sustainability #interdisciplinarity #legaltheory
#corporatelaw #CompanyLaw #businesslaw #finance #company #corporation #accounting #auditing #audit #CorporateSustainability #SustainabilityLaw #sustainability #interdisciplinarity #legaltheory
Interested in #SustainabilityLaw? Or perhaps curious about what that even means? Check our Sustainability Law Newsletter! https://www.jus.uio.no/english/research/areas/sustainabilitylaw/newsletter/sustainabilitylaw-newsletter-2022.html
Vanity maybe, but nice to see that you read my pieces at #SSRN on #corporatelaw #companylaw #finance #accounting #auditing #audit #corporatesustainability #sustainabilitylaw #sustainability #interdisciplinarity
#SSRN #corporatelaw #CompanyLaw #finance #accounting #auditing #audit #CorporateSustainability #SustainabilityLaw #sustainability #interdisciplinarity
Here is my recent #research on #sustainability #corporatesustainability #sustainabilitylaw areas: (3) with @Beate Sjafjell (first author) Corporate Purpose and the Misleading Shareholder vs Stakeholder Dichotomy. University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2022-43
#corporatepurpose #shareholder #shareholders #stakeholder #stakeholders
#research #sustainability #CorporateSustainability #SustainabilityLaw #corporatepurpose #shareholder #shareholders #stakeholder #stakeholders
Here is my recent #research on #sustainability #corporatesustainability #sustainabilitylaw areas: (2) Auditors’ role in corporate governance. Preprint of chapter in Hanne Birkmose, Mette Neville and Karsten Engsig Sørensen (eds) Instruments of EU Corporate Governance: Effecting Changes in the Management of Companies in a Changing World (Kluwer Law International, forthcoming 2023)
#research #sustainability #CorporateSustainability #SustainabilityLaw #auditors #Corporategovernance
Here is my recent #research on #sustainability #corporatesustainability #sustainabilitylaw areas: (1) Shareholder Activism: Driver or Obstacle for Sustainable Value Creation? Chapter 7 in B. Sjåfjell, G. Tsagas and C. Villiers (eds), Sustainable Value Creation in the EU: Towards Pathways to a Sustainable Future through Crises (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2022). #shareholderactivism #sustainablevaluecreation
#research #sustainability #CorporateSustainability #SustainabilityLaw #shareholderactivism #sustainablevaluecreation
Hi! My hashtags #corporatelaw #companylaw #cooperativelaw #auditing #accounting #finance #corporatesustainability #sustainabilitylaw #sustainabilityscience #sustainablefinance #companies #cooperatives #sustainablebusiness #law #economics
#corporatelaw #CompanyLaw #cooperativelaw #auditing #accounting #finance #CorporateSustainability #SustainabilityLaw #sustainabilityscience #sustainablefinance #companies #cooperatives #SustainableBusiness #law #economics