The policies of the really do speak to the tenants of 's FairGo. They're not only holistically environmentalist, but seek to end how has been abused by corporations. They also identify problems in the media landscape that require attention, and much more.

Its a shame they are using /CloudFlare.

However, we do find ourselves wanting a focus on…1/3

#SustainableAustraliaParty #DickSmith #immigration #nationbuilder

Last updated 3 years ago

Re: freedom.

In we have a fairly crude, opportunistic politician, , and an election next year. Clive's billboards revolve around and 'NO VACCINE PASSPORTS' etc.

He's a magnate.

Sadly we may place him above the (but not above ) next year.


@strypey @bob

#australia #corporatist #ClivePalmer #freedom #mining #majorParties #SustainableAustraliaParty

Last updated 3 years ago

What do you do when the that you like is behind ?

We have that problem, the party is . They have great policies and a plan to stop and end corruption. Can they though, when they have what we think any reasonable person would call ? An effective on their interface with the public.

#politicalParty #cloudflare #SustainableAustralia #overdevelopment #internetCancer #MITMAttack #SAP #SustainableAustraliaParty

Last updated 3 years ago

We remember the turning that back around, saying " its the of X city that matters".

There are a lot of calculations that only focus on electricity or intra-city travel, neglecting other factors of .

#SustainableAustraliaParty #totalFootprint #consumption

Last updated 3 years ago