Gary · @empiricism
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Hi, here is a "snapshot" from a paragraph of my book that I'm writing that will explain, and develop the vision, of what an ecologically sustainable society will be like (the general framework).

Paragraph of the book "There have been many books written by authors that provide incorrect solutions to mitigate climate change. In other words, overall, their ideas simply won’t work on a population scale and would cause social unrest (e.g., increases in inequality). There have been far fewer books that, in part, provide the correct solutions. The correct approach to mitigating climate change is thinking about the subject on a population scale level. Unfortunately, many authors start with a “what do I want?” premise and then select ideas that they believe may sustain their lifestyles. For example, no names, but a billionaire who owns a private aeroplane jet company has written a book about climate change and one of his, generally, incorrect solutions to mitigating climate change is using biofuels to fuel jet aeroplanes. The correct question is “Are jet aeroplanes a sustainable method of transport?” not, “I want Jet aeroplanes! How do we do that sustainably?”. In the public transport section of this book, I will refer to the evidence that suggests that mass aeroplane jet travel cannot possibly be part of an ecologically sustainable culture (no matter how much, for example, private Jet owners want that future). To reiterate, the population scale is the correct framework to think about and extrapolate the generally correct sustainable activities that sustain ecology. Whilst there can be a certain number of Jets in a sustainable culture, that number can not be on a massive scale. So, in the context of fairness, which is a common good idea, should a minority of rich people only use jets? Or should the minimal quantities of Jet aeroplanes be used for essential services only? Also, to reiterate, this book is not being written to reflect what the majority wants, whilst that would attract more readers, this book is about what’s practically achievable for humans to ecologically sustain their society. So, many humans won’t want to hear that aeroplane Jet travel cannot be sustained on a mass scale (an industrial scale). Their wish-based thinking is part of the psychological problem - most adults are putting their own interests before sustaining ecology. Furthermore, I don’t think it’s speculation to say that most of those adults don’t generally understand ecology because, well, they don’t study it scientifically. When adults don’t study science, and yet have ideas about that science, those ideas are typically incorrect opinions (based on their personal bias)

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Last updated 1 year ago