(For comparison here is a version in #svelte I want to get to parity with https://svelte.dev/repl/e41ad2a1d64146c9b770eea4ee88570f?version=3.58.0)
A couple of years back I released #Svelte Formula for creating #ReactiveForms
I've just been refactoring it to be a #webComponent instead - would love to get feedback on it.
It's shipped as a library with web component export - wrap it around any static HTML5 form and you now have a dynamic store-driven one
#Svelte #reactiveforms #webcomponent
https://svelte.dev/blog/announcing-sveltekit-1.0 Svelte Kit v1 ist fertig! #svelte #sveltekit
Ever wanted to use slots inside an {@html ...} in your #Svelte app? This element makes it possible:
#javascript #sveltekit #Svelte