Excited to share our recent preprint about opsin gene expression plasticity, vision, female colour polymorphism and male mate search in my favourite insect species: the Common Bluetail Damselfly (Ischnura elegans).
A collaboration between #SvenssonLab and Lund Vision Group, led by our incoming postdoc Natalie Roberts and with Dr. Marjorie Lienard #Odonata #damselflies #opsins #insects #evolution
#SvenssonLab #Odonata #damselflies #opsins #insects #Evolution
With @ted_morrow@twitter.com and the recruitment of two former postdocs from #SvenssonLab, Karlstad University @KAU@twitter.com will soon become a new hotspot "to watch" for ecology and evolution research in Sweden!
Congratulations to all three of you and good luck!
Here is photo evidence of the memorable event after #EvolutionInSweden when we in #SvenssonLab introduced our french colleague @Lmchev@twitter.com to the Swedish tradition of "fika" at Café Ofvandahls in Uppsala.
Luis-Miguel will hopefully come back regularly to Sweden to enjoy more of it.
#evolutioninsweden #SvenssonLab
Today, it was the last research presentation from #SvenssonLab at #EvolutionInSweden with @MasahitoTsuboi@twitter.com presenting his recent research on wing shape evolution in damselflies.
#SvenssonLab #evolutioninsweden
First day on #EvolutionInSweden in #Uppsala #Sweden was excellent with many good talks and nice social interactions with colleagues whom I have not met for years.
Two contributions already from #SvenssonLab and #damselflies by @SofieNilen@twitter.com and @mluerig@twitter.com
#evolutioninsweden #uppsala #sweden #SvenssonLab #damselflies
First lab-meeting in 2023 with #SvenssonLab anf affiliates took place over Zoom. Great to see everybody again and we are looking forward to a new exciting year!
On behalf of myself, current and former members of #SvenssonLab and collaborators, I wish everyone a Happy New 2023!
Here is a brief summary of major achievements by our lab members in 2022:
Enjoyed the Annual Christmas Meeting at the southernmost tip of Sweden (Smygehuk) with the Evolutionary Ecology Unit at @Biology_LU@twitter.com with our invited speaker @KLVoje@twitter.com, @moametz@twitter.com, @MasahitoTsuboi@twitter.com and other members of #SvenssonLab
Thankyou @Kallekarlhugo@twitter.com for giving such an excellent and thought-provoking talk about female-limited polymorphisms in butterflies for members of #SvenssonLab, #RunemarkLab, #FribergLab and #WahlbergLab at @Biology_LU@twitter.com @lunduniversity@twitter.com
Well done!
#SvenssonLab #runemarklab #friberglab #wahlberglab
Another BIG congratulations to a recent member in #SvenssonLab: our former postdoc @bjmjarrett@twitter.com has obtained a Lecturer position at @BangorUni@twitter.com in Wales, UK. Well done and good luck!
Congratulations to our former ERASMUS internship student in #SvenssonLab @ChiaraDePasqual@twitter.com and her lucky advisors @MothProf@twitter.com and @JohannaMappes@twitter.com who got such an excellent PhD-student to work on these fascinating tiger moths!
RT @EvolOdonata@twitter.com
Good luck @mluerig@twitter.com: we in #SvenssonLab are very excited and proud that you share your about knowledge about phenomics, Computer Vision and damselflies with the rest of the world at this exciting workshop! https://twitter.com/mluerig/status/1594243448772722689
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EvolOdonata/status/1594315503048495105
We congratulate our Master's student @moametz@twitter.com from #SvenssonLab who gave her first talk at an international conference today ("Man and temperature") about her research on metabolic allometries in damselflies!
Well done Moa!
We discussed this very interesting and thought-provocative review on complexity, adaptation and evolvability by @dmrossoni@twitter.com and David Houle TODAY in #SvenssonLab!
Congratulations to both authors for nice piece of work.
RT @dmrossoni@twitter.com
The final version of our review on "Complexity, Evolvability, and the Process of Adaptation" is now available!
https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-102320-090809 @AnnualReviews@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/dmrossoni/status/1590008505209323520