Global News BC: Hidden word: Walmart Canada removes T-shirt with vulgar acronym #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #t-shirtvulgarword #T-shirtrecall #vulgaracronym #vulgart-shirt #WalmartCanada #hiddenword #vulgarword #Profanity #swearword #BadWords #Canada #vulgar
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #t #vulgaracronym #vulgart #walmartcanada #hiddenword #vulgarword #profanity #SwearWord #badwords #Canada #vulgar
What’s you’re favourite non-swear word or phrase?
Mine is ‘fudge’. Nice heavy sound, sounds like a swear, fun to say.
#SwearWord #cuss #OhForFudgeSake
You know, what #SwearWord insults are mostly commonplace in #US and #Canada and what swear word insults are more commonplace in the #UK?
Are Prick and Twat used commonly in the US?
I know Wanker and Tosser and mostly UK. And Bellend.
Asshole is reasonable common for US, isn't it? But in the UK Arse is maybe more common than arsehole.
Like if someone in US or Canada wanted to call someone a swear word, what would they commonly use?
#askfedi #uk #Canada #us #SwearWord