Wow 🤩
Als im Gegensatz zu vorher ist der Switch jetzt fast unhörbar. Die Lüfter machen zwar auch etwas weniger Leistung, aber das sollte noch immer reichen.
Wenn ich also mich hier nicht bald auskotze das alles scheiße ist, dann was das der goldene Weg. 🤣
Und ja, die Gummi Nuppsis sind falsch eingebaut. Aber mit voller Absicht!
1) sind die Löcher zu enge im Blech und
2) nehme die so weniger Platz zwischen Rahmen und Cover ein.
#TeampJuniper #EX2200 #juniper #Switch #modding #silence
does anyone knows if there are #nintendo #switch battery upgrades? I want to replace the battery but I can't seem to find a higher capacity one
#nintendoswitch #modding
#nintendo #Switch #nintendoswitch #modding
Fotka co prawda z maja, ale autorska i wyraża w pełni moją miłość do serii The Legend of Zelda, która była ze mną od czasu, gdy byłem jeszcze kaszojadem. 😏 Swoją drogą, muszę dokończyć wątek fabularny, bo robiłem wszystko, tylko nie to.
#thelegendofzelda #thelegendofzeldatearsofthekingdom #zelda #link #nintendo #nintendoswitch #gra #gry #giereczkowo #giereczka #gierka #grawideo #gaming #granie #giercowanie #switch #konsola #zieleń #zielony
#thelegendofzelda #thelegendofzeldatearsofthekingdom #zelda #link #Nintendo #nintendoswitch #gra #Gry #giereczkowo #giereczka #gierka #grawideo #gaming #granie #giercowanie #Switch #konsola #zielen #zielony
Potrei come non potrei aver già preordinato la Master Collection di Metal Gear Solid su #switch
Allora io avevo preso #switch giusto per togliermi uno sfizio, tanto gioco sempre su #xboxseriesx, ma può mai uscire ogni giorno un gioco nuovo da #nintendo che mi viene voglia di comprare? Ora ci si mette pure #ghosttrick
#Switch #xboxseriesx #nintendo #ghosttrick
Domanda agli amici Nintendari:
I miei Joycon (quelli inclusi con la switch del day one) stanno tirando le cuoia - hanno già fatto un giro all'assistenza Nintendo, ma temo che ormai ci sia poco da fare - quando gioco con la tv ho il pad pro quindi tranqui, ma in portatile...😢
Qualcuno di voi ha provato i joycon della hori?
Sono dei degni sostituti o devo rassegnarmi a vendere un rene per ricomprarli originali?
(in realtà mi serve solo il destro ma tant'è)
Dubbio su controller #Switch.
Finora ho usato solo i Joy-Con originali, ma per i giochi di azione sono un bel po' limitati. Mi è cascato l'occhio sul controller Hori marchiato Zelda che riprende la forma del GameCube, a mio parere il più comodo mai concepito. Il prezzo rispetto al controller Pro di Nintendo, però, è nettamente inferiore. Al di là dell'estetica e del risparmio: meritano allo stesso modo o per avere l'esperienza migliore bisogna puntare sul Pro? Grazie! #MastoAiuto
The Little Prince
🔹Set 3 of 3
▫️Sky: Children of The Light
▫️Nintendo Switch
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #playstation #ps4 #ps5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #iOS #nintendo #switch #nintendoswitch
▪️Shot made and edited by me
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #Playstation #PS4 #PS5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #ios #nintendo #Switch #nintendoswitch
The Little Prince
🔹Set 3 of 3
▫️Sky: Children of The Light
▫️Nintendo Switch
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #playstation #ps4 #ps5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #iOS #nintendo #switch #nintendoswitch
▪️Shot made and edited by me
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #Playstation #PS4 #PS5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #ios #nintendo #Switch #nintendoswitch
The Little Prince
🔹Set 2 of 3
▫️Sky: Children of The Light
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #playstation #ps4 #ps5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #iOS #nintendo #switch #nintendoswitch
▪️Shot made and edited by me
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #Playstation #PS4 #PS5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #ios #nintendo #Switch #nintendoswitch
The Little Prince
🔹Set 1 of 3
▫️Sky: Children of The Light
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #playstation #ps4 #ps5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #iOS #nintendo #switch #nintendoswitch
▪️Shot made and edited by me
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #Playstation #PS4 #PS5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #ios #nintendo #Switch #nintendoswitch
Flight / Ancient city / Rain
▫️Sky: Children of The Light
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #playstation #ps4 #ps5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #iOS #nintendo #switch #nintendoswitch
▪️Shot made and edited by me
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #Playstation #PS4 #PS5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #ios #nintendo #Switch #nintendoswitch
Don’t recognize myself
🔹Song: “Disappearing Now” by Nurko & Chandler Leighton
▫️Sky: Children of The Light
▫️Nintendo Switch
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #playstation #ps4 #ps5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #iOS #nintendo #switch #nintendoswitch
▪️Shot made and edited by me
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #Playstation #PS4 #PS5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #ios #nintendo #Switch #nintendoswitch
You are not alone
▫️Sky: Children of The Light
▫️Nintendo Switch
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #playstation #ps4 #ps5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #iOS #nintendo #switch #nintendoswitch
▪️Shot made and edited by me
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #Playstation #PS4 #PS5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #ios #nintendo #Switch #nintendoswitch
Celestial Blue
▫️Sky: Children of The Light
▫️Nintendo Switch
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #playstation #ps4 #ps5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #iOS #nintendo #switch #nintendoswitch
▪️Shot made and edited by me
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #Playstation #PS4 #PS5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #ios #nintendo #Switch #nintendoswitch
See You Again
▫️Sky: Children of the Light
▫️iPadOS / iOS
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #playstation #ps4 #ps5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #iOS #nintendo #switch #nintendoswitch
▪️Shot made and edited by me
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #Playstation #PS4 #PS5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #ios #nintendo #Switch #nintendoswitch
Isle of Dawn
▫️Sky: Children of The Light
▫️Nintendo Switch
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #playstation #ps4 #ps5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #iOS #nintendo #switch #nintendoswitch
▪️Shot made and edited by me
#skychildrenofthelight #thatgamecompany #nophotomode #Playstation #PS4 #PS5 #playstation4 #playstation5 #ios #nintendo #Switch #nintendoswitch
#nintendo #switch #controller a mio figlio maggiore è morto il controller commerciale della switch con il solito problema del drifting ... Per fortuna tutti i controller commerciali montano gli stessi identici Stick analogici cinesi come si direbbe a Roma "Demmmerda" con il risultato che se si ha un altro joypad PS4 scassato si può risolvere cambiando l'analogico dissaldando e risaldando il tutto