Great #SymbNET #CRC1182 Symposium on #Microbiome #Metabolomics in Kiel going on.
With H. Schulenburg, S. Gibbons, M. Groussin, M. Zimmermann-Kogadeeva, P. Engel, V. Hatzimanikatis, M. Zimmermann, S. Waschina, C. Kaleta, M. P. Rosenstiel and @manuelliebeke.
And the #IGC PhD students also came as part of their PhD course on Host-Microbe Interactions.
#IGC #metabolomics #microbiome #CRC1182 #SymbNET
Join us next Friday to hear Hassan Salem talk: "Beetle-microbe symbioses: Endless forms most functional".
This SymbNET seminar will be held at IGC and online on November 18 at 2pm WET/Lisbon time.
More information and registration:
#symbiosis #SymbNET #IGC
I am an Associate Professor at Católica Biomedical Research Centre #CBR, co-affiliated with Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência #IGC, Portugal.
Our group works on Host-Microbe interactions, using #Drosophila, #Wolbachia, #microbiota, and #viruses.
I coordinate #SymbNET, a #EUHorizon2020 Twinning
network on Host-Microbe #Symbiosis, #Genomics and #Metabolomics (
#metabolomics #genomics #symbiosis #EUHorizon2020 #SymbNET #viruses #microbiota #wolbachia #drosophila #IGC #CBR #introduction