A good biographical piece on Goffman by Sherri Cavan:
When Erving Goffman Was a Boy: The Formative Years of a Sociological Giant
#goffman #SymbolicInteraction #interactionism
Just a toot of some basic hashtags to help find folks: #HigherEd #ProfessorLife #AmericanStudies #ReligiousStudies #PNW (home) #SanFrancisco #SFBA #Oregon #France #French #Quebec #Jewish #Judaism #Thoreau #Literature #LitStudies #NaturePhotography #EnvironmentalHumanities #Humanities #Reading #books #SciFi #Fantasy #Democracy #AmericanPragmatism #LGBTQ #Gay #Queer #Hiking #NationalParks #Wilderness #Pedagogy #Writing #Levinas #Ethics #SocialTheory #Sociology #History #SymbolicInteraction
#highered #professorlife #americanstudies #ReligiousStudies #pnw #sanfrancisco #sfba #oregon #france #french #quebec #jewish #judaism #thoreau #literature #litstudies #naturephotography #environmentalhumanities #humanities #reading #books #scifi #fantasy #democracy #AmericanPragmatism #lgbtq #gay #queer #hiking #nationalparks #wilderness #pedagogy #writing #levinas #ethics #socialtheory #sociology #history #SymbolicInteraction
@AnujaCabraal I did a long term #SymbolicInteraction #GroundedTheory project that was an incredible experience because it required a constant attention to my own perception and experience as I was coding and recoding interviews, email conversations, and historical documents. An intense but truly rewarding experience.
#SymbolicInteraction #groundedtheory
Just added my ORCiD link to my profile for those interested. My publication record is sparse compared to profs at research unis, but given the teaching and service loads of my job, I’m fine with that. #macademia #AcademicMastodon #AmericanStudies #QueerStudies #LGBT #ReligiousStudies #HigherEducation #SymbolicInteraction #CWrightMills #MormonStudies
#Macademia #academicmastodon #americanstudies #queerstudies #lgbt #ReligiousStudies #highereducation #SymbolicInteraction #CWrightMills #MormonStudies