On December 3 come hear Dr. Reginald Wiebe talk about secret identities in comics at the #SymbolicSymposium
#SymbolicSymposium #comics #SecretIdentity #superheroes
I say the #SymbolicSymposium is free, and I mean it—you can register for $0 and come hear all four talks and we'll be so happy you're there—but I AM paying the speakers, so if you have the means it would be wonderful and appreciated if you donate!
I'm very excited about the upcoming #SymbolicSymposium, from Dec 2-4!
Come hear a talk from Dr. Reginald Wiebe all about secret identities in superhero stories!
All Symbolic Symposium talks are free and pitched toward a general audience.
#SymbolicSymposium #superheroes #SecretIdentity #disguise
The upcoming #SymbolicSymposium is "Seems Familiar", all about disguises. I hope you'll come!
The LAST Symbolic Symposium was "It's Gonna Be EPIC," all about #epic #literature. If you missed it you can still watch the recordings! Check out this one on #Chinese epics, from Rachel McVeigh!
#SymbolicSymposium #epic #literature #chinese
If you by any chance tried to register for the #SymbolicSymposium and found that registration was already closed, don't despair! That was an error and it is corrected now! Registration is open!
I've mentioned the #SymbolicSymposium before. Now I'm mentioning it again! On December 2-4 come hear talks about disguise and recognition in literature and folklore!
Dec 3rd I will be giving a talk on failures of recognition in Malory. Come join me! And tell your friends!
All Symbolic Symposium talks are free and pitched toward a general audience.
#SymbolicSymposium #KingArthur #literatures #medieval #hashtags
On December 2-4 Clockworks Academy will be hosting the Symbolic Symposium: Seems Familiar! Four talks about disguise and recognition! On the 4th come hear Dr. Mikayla Hunter give a talk about gender and recognition in medieval romances!
All Symbolic Symposium talks are free and pitched toward a general audience.
#SymbolicSymposium #medieval #literature #MiddleAges #disguise #OnlineTalks
#SymbolicSymposium #medieval #literature #middleages #disguise #OnlineTalks