I've been awarded the "#SymfonyWorld Online 2022 Winter Edition Attendee" badge on #SymfonyConnect. https://connect.symfony.com/profile/tiriel
Because the topic Partial Objects came up for certain contexts at #SymfonyWorld: Do you even need managed entities or partial objects at all or do you just need objects? #Doctrine ORM can also deliver unmanaged POPOs with DQL. NEW is not new.
Did you attend my talk on Modernizing with Symfony at #SymfonyCon or #SymfonyWorld? I've uploaded my slides. https://slidr.io/derrabus/modernizing-with-symfony-symfonycon-2022
My slides of Schrödinger's SQL, that were shown at #Symfony World Online 2022 Winter Edition, can be found here:
Nos coopérateurs @chalas_r@twitter.com et @dunglas@twitter.com participent aujourd'hui en tant que speakers à la conférence en ligne #SymfonyWorld Online 2022 Winter Edition.
Il est toujours possible de vous inscrire à l'événement : https://live.symfony.com/2022-world-winter/schedule
Via Symfony: SymfonyWorld Online 2022 Winter Edition: Join us in 1 week for the international online Symfony conference! https://symfony.com/blog/symfonyworld-online-2022-winter-edition-join-us-in-1-week-for-the-international-online-symfony-conference #Symfony #SymfonyWorld
SymfonyWorld Online 2022 Winter Edition: Discover the program. https://symfony.com/blog/symfonyworld-online-2022-winter-edition-discover-the-program #Symfony #SymfonyWorld
I've been awarded the "#SymfonyWorld Online 2022 Summer Edition Attendee" badge on #SymfonyConnect. https://connect.symfony.com/profile/dunglas
I've been awarded the "#SymfonyWorld Online 2022 Summer Edition Speaker" badge on #SymfonyConnect. https://connect.symfony.com/profile/dunglas
RT @opdavies
Watching @dunglas' talk on Docker from #SymfonyWorld.
I can vouch for how good @ApiPlatform's Docker setup is when I wanted to experiment with it a few weeks ago.
Downloaded the repo, ran `docker-compose up` and had a fully working API Platform project up and running. 👍🏻
I've been awarded the "#SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Winter Edition Attendee" badge on #SymfonyConnect. https://connect.symfony.com/profile/dunglas
RT @dunglas@twitter.com
The Symfony Docker skeleton and installer just reached 1K stars on GitHub during my talk @ #SymfonyWorld 😍 Thanks, everyone! https://github.com/dunglas/symfony-docker
The Symfony Docker skeleton and installer just reached 1K stars on GitHub during my talk @ #SymfonyWorld 😍 Thanks, everyone! https://github.com/dunglas/symfony-docker
RT @chalas_r@twitter.com
Here are the materials for my talk #SymfonyWorld!
RT @chalas_r
Here are the materials for my talk #SymfonyWorld!
RT @chalas_r@twitter.com
Here are the materials for my talk #SymfonyWorld!
RT @dunglas@twitter.com
Busy week!
Today: @ApiPlatform@twitter.com workshop with @chalas_r@twitter.com (#SymfonyWorld, sold out)
Thursday: "Introducing Edge Side APIs" (@APIdaysGlobal@twitter.com, online, free registration: https://hopin.com/events/apidays-live-paris-2021?utm_source=IKnowKevinDunglas&utm_campaign=SpeakerCompetition)
Friday: "Symfony and Docker" (@symfonycon@twitter.com, online, https://live.symfony.com/2021-world-winter/)
Be there 🤘
Busy week!
Today: @ApiPlatform workshop with @chalas_r (#SymfonyWorld, sold out)
Thursday: "Introducing Edge Side APIs" (@APIdaysGlobal, online, free registration: https://hopin.com/events/apidays-live-paris-2021?utm_source=IKnowKevinDunglas&utm_campaign=SpeakerCompetition)
Friday: "Symfony and Docker" (@symfonycon, online, https://live.symfony.com/2021-world-winter/)
Be there 🤘
I've been awarded the "#SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Speaker" badge on #SymfonyConnect. https://connect.symfony.com/profile/dunglas
I've been awarded the "#SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Attendee" badge on #SymfonyConnect. https://connect.symfony.com/profile/dunglas