Filosofian ja empiiristen tieteiden suhdetta pohtii kiintoisasti Catarina Dutilh Novaesin DN-essee synteettisestä filosofiasta,
Filosofiassa 'synteettinen' ei merkitse keinotekoista tai ei-analyyttista, vaan empiirisesti tiedettävissä olevan integrointia käsitteelliseen tutkimukseen ja pyrkimystä hahmottaa "metsää" erityistieteiden "puilta".
#filosofia #philosophy #method #metodi #ethos #analyysi #analytic #synthetic #tiede #science
#science #tiede #Synthetic #analytic #analyysi #ethos #metodi #method #philosophy #filosofia
#Synthetic #humans, #labviruses, #artificialintelligence, #bombing #nuclearplants and cooling infrastructure- hmm… what could go right?
#Synthetic #humans #labviruses #artificialintelligence #bombing #nuclearplants
#Synthetic Philosophy (by Catarina Dutilh Novaes):
Better yet, wear clothes made of shorn #wool, #hemp, #bamboo, or #OrganicCotton.
How do you tackle #microplastics? Start with your washing machine.
Simple filters could help remove #microfiber pollution from your #laundry. But experts say a broader portfolio of solutions is needed to address the problem.
by Saqib Rahim, Apr 19, 2023
"As environmental challenges go, microfiber pollution has come from practically out of nowhere. It was only a decade or so ago that scientists first suspected our #clothing, increasingly made of #synthetic materials like #polyester and #nylon, might be major contributors to the global #plastic problem.
"Today a growing body of science suggests the tiny strands that slough off #clothes are everywhere and in everything. By one estimate, they account for as much as one-third of all microplastics released to the ocean. They’ve been found on #MountEverest and in the #MarianaTrench, along with tap #water, #plankton, shrimp guts, and our poo."
#WaterIsLife #Pollution #NaturalFibers #MakeClothesThatLast #FastFashion
#wool #hemp #bamboo #organiccotton #microplastics #microfiber #laundry #clothing #Synthetic #polyester #nylon #plastic #clothes #mounteverest #marianatrench #water #plankton #waterislife #pollution #naturalfibers #makeclothesthatlast #fastfashion
We got access to #Echo acoustic liquid handlers. The are contact-less, using no #plastic tips! They can transfer liquids by increments of 2.5 nL or 25 nL, but during our tests we made them dispense 1 µL volumes stained with food coloring in order to plot some joyful picture. Looking forward using them for #synthetic biology, #screens, #parameter space optimisations and much more!
#Parameter #screens #Synthetic #plastic #echo
Targeted bacterial #conjugation mediated by #synthetic cell-to-cell adhesions | Nucleic Acids Research | Oxford Academic
Targeted #bacterial #conjugation mediated by #synthetic cell-to-cell #adhesions
#adhesions #Synthetic #conjugation #bacterial
@tubemapper Someone gave me a #Brompton #snood thing. I tried it a few different ways but it's not really me.
#Synthetic #fibers discovered in #Antarctic #air, #seawater, #sediment and #SeaIce as the ‘pristine’ continent becomes a sink for #PlasticPollution
(23 Nov 2022)
The transport and fate of #microplastic fibres in the Antarctic:
The role of multiple global processes
(Eoghan Mánus Cunningham et al, 21 Nov 2022)
#Synthetic #fibers #antarctic #air #seawater #Sediment #seaice #plasticpollution #microplastic
Discover #TechSonar!
Our #4 foreseen trend for 2022/2023 is #Synthetic Data.
Synthetic data is artificial data that is generated from original data and a model that is trained to reproduce the characteristics and structure of the original data ⬇️
#Authentizität sei ein #reaktionäres #ideologisch- #konservatives #Konzept der #Moderne, das #blind gegenüber den #Bedingungen der #Möglichkeiten der #Gesellschaft, dem #Individuum #authentisches #Handeln #vortäuscht.
#Täuschung, #Irrtum, #Reflexion
Benjamin #Bratton - The #Synthetic and The #Real;
#ideologisch #konservativ #konzept #moderne #blind #bedingungen #möglichkeit #gesellschaft #individuum #authentisch #handeln #vortäuscht #täuschung #irrtum #reflexion #Bratton #Synthetic #real #Authentizität #reaktionär