RT @aradio_berlin@twitter.com
#BadNews 52 (01/2022) online!
#CrnaLuknja (@radiostudent@twitter.com) about the fire at @CrimethInc@twitter.com / @aradio_berlin@twitter.com on the antifeminist attack on #Syrena / @StrawFinal@twitter.com about combat medics in #Rojava / @Elephant_dd@twitter.com on #Kazakhstan protests / @1431am@twitter.com about #Greece
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/aradio_berlin/status/1489702994946007046
#badnews #CrnaLuknja #Syrena #rojava #kazakhstan #greece
RT @aradio_berlin@twitter.com
#BadNews 52 (01/2022) online!
#CrnaLuknja (@radiostudent@twitter.com) about the fire at @CrimethInc@twitter.com / @aradio_berlin@twitter.com on the antifeminist attack on #Syrena / @StrawFinal@twitter.com about combat medics in #Rojava / @Elephant_dd@twitter.com on #Kazakhstan protests / @1431am@twitter.com about #Greece
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/aradio_berlin/status/1489702994946007046
#badnews #CrnaLuknja #Syrena #Rojava #kazakhstan #greece
RT @aradio_berlin@twitter.com
New audio online:
#Warsaw: The attack on the queer-feminist #Syrena squat in the end of 2021
* recent history of queer militancy in Poland
* background of the attack
* the consequencenes
* how to support feminist struggle in Poland & globally
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/aradio_berlin/status/1479490945708142595
Warsaw: The attack on the queer-feminist Syrena squat in the end of 2021
At the 5th of December 2021, the queer-feminist squat Syrena in Warschau was brutally attacked and evicted by a crowd connected to the neighbour squat, as a revenge for anti-patriarchal
#EnglischsprachigeBeiträge #attack #Eviction #Feminism #militancy #patriarchy #Poland #Queer #Squat #Syrena #transphobia #Warsaw
#EnglischsprachigeBeiträge #attack #eviction #feminism #militancy #patriarchy #poland #queer #squat #Syrena #transphobia #warsaw
Libertärer Podcast Dezemberrückblick 2021
Unsere dieses Mal 60-minütige Sendung blickt auf folgende Themen aus dem Vormonat zurück:
Angriff auf das Syrena-Kollektiv in Warschau
Angriff auf Syrena (kontrapolis)Solidarität mit Syrena (kontrapolis)
Ausstieg aus dem Rechtsextremismus: Inter
#LibertärerPodcast #Angriff #Ausstieg #exit #Feminismus #Kropotkin #Polen #Rechtsextremismus #Squat #Syrena #Warschau
#LibertärerPodcast #Angriff #ausstieg #exit #feminismus #kropotkin #polen #rechtsextremismus #squat #Syrena #warschau
Im besetzten Haus #Syrena in Warschau (Polen) erzählten am 3.10.21 3 zapatistische Genoss_innen der #EZLN 4h über ihren Kampf und die Geschichte des #Zapatismus.
Während des Gesprächs fand im Innenhof eine Projektion statt.
Quelle: Medios Libres EU
#LaGiraZapatistaVA #EZLN #CNI #CIG #FPDTAMPT #NetzDerRebellion
#NetzDerRebellion #FPDTAMPT #cig #cni #LaGiraZapatistaVa #Zapatismus #ezln #Syrena
#Warsaw, #Poland: #Syrena #Squat Threatened With Eviction - #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/03/17/warsaw-poland-syrena-squat-threatened-with-eviction/
#antireport #squat #Syrena #poland #warsaw