On #WorldRefugeeDay, the 🇪🇺 EU stands #WithRefugees. Even while supporting the millions of refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine, the EU and its Member States pledged EUR 4.8 billion for #Syria & the neighbouring countries hosting Syrian refugees. #EUTFSyria #SyriaConf2022
#WorldRefugeeDay #WithRefugees #Syria #EUTFSyria #SyriaConf2022
While we are talking inside #EU
We need to be aware of: #syriaconf2022 #Syria @AuswaertigesAmt
RT @EUinSyria: أبقوا معبر باب الهوى مفتوحاً
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1533102257708965888
Auch hier muss man sich von d. Abhängigkeit #Putin lösen.
#EU muss hier eine stärkere Rolle spielen. Es ist gut, dass Gelder auf der #SyriaConf2022 freigeben wurden.
Nur: the devil is in the detail!
Nix ohne #Assad, der genau schauen wird, wohin das Geld geht. In seine Tasche!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1525444862132244480
#Putin #EU #SyriaConf2022 #Assad
Und dann war da noch #Syrien
😞ein Schlachtfeld
😞ein Land das Zerrissen ist
😞eine Bevölkerung die nur Mißtrauen, Verrat, Gewalt 😞kennt
eine verlorene Jugend
Direkt vor der Tür #Europas
#Neverforget #Syria #SyriaConf2022 #Syrie
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1525443162654887938
#Syrien #Europas #NeverForget #Syria #SyriaConf2022 #Syrie
RT @EUinSyria: يريد الشعب السوريّ استعادة حق تقرير مستقبله. وقد تعهّد الاتحاد الأوروبي، خلال مؤتمر بروكسل السادس، بتقديم أكثر من 3 مليار يورو لدعم السوريين والدول المضيفة لهم
على سوريا أن تبقى على قمّة جدول الأعمال الدوليّ حتى إيجاد حل سياسيّ للأزمة
Jordan has been a safe haven for refugees since the start of the Syria crisis in 2011. It hosts the 3rd highest number of Syrian refugees in the world.
Times were tough during the pandemic, but registration centres are open again!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1524666940865753088
In Syria’s neighboring countries, the EU works with humanitarian partners such as @NRC_MiddleEast to provide refugees with protection & education.
In Jordan, Syrian volunteer teachers help children to learn better and catch up if they fell behind.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1524425349991383041
RT @eu_eeas: 60% of Syrians inside Syria do not have enough food. We must continue helping Syrian people.
@WFP Regional Director @Corinne_WFP and EEAS Deputy Managing Director @CHallergard met in Brussels at #SyriaConf2022 as 🇪🇺 EU and @WFP work together to ensure #foodsecurity for Syrians.
RT @EU_ECHO: The international community pledged close to €6.4 billion at the #SyriaConf2022 to help people in Syria and the neighbouring countries hosting Syrian refugees.
Die Not, die hier mit einer Milliarde Steuergeld gelindert werden soll, ist durch unsere eigenen Sanktionen verursacht. Diese Politik ist krank! #Syrien
RT @AuswaertigesAmt: Täglich wächst die Not in #Syrien. So explodieren z.B. Lebensmittelpreise als Folge des Kriegs in der Ukraine & treiben immer mehr Syrer*innen in den Hunger. Um ihr Leid zu lindern, sagt Deutschland eine Milliarde Euro an Hilfsgeldern zu. #SyriaConf2022
Syrians want to regain control of their future. The EU pledged over 3 billion euros in support to Syrians and host communities at the Brussels Conference. We need to keep Syria high on the international agenda to find a political solution to the crisis. #SyriaConf2022
RT @eu_eeas: €6.4 billion were mobilised during #SyriaConf2022 to continue supporting Syria and the region. This amount will:
🔹 cover the needs of Syrians
🔹 support …
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1524389153164738562
The international community pledged close to €6.4 billion at the #SyriaConf2022 to help people in Syria and the neighbouring countries hosting Syrian refugees.
More 👉 http://europa.eu/!y7YKvq
Yesterday, at the #SyriaConf2022, the international community pledged close to €6.4bn for 2022 & beyond for #Syria & the neighbouring countries. Of this amount, over €4.8bn were pledged by the 🇪🇺#EU, with over €3.1bn coming from the @EU_Commission.
RT @EU_ECHO: The international community pledged close to €6.4 billion at the #SyriaConf2022 to help people in Syria and the neighbouring countries hosting Syrian refugees.
RT @eu_near: Yesterday, at the #SyriaConf2022, the international community pledged close to €6.4bn for 2022 & beyond for #Syria & the neighbouring countries. Of this amount, over €4.8bn were pledged by the 🇪🇺#EU, with over €3.1bn coming from the @EU_Commission.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUDelegationTur/status/1524400639366905856
RT @UNHCRTurkey: Thank you #EU🇪🇺!
With your commitment to providing support for Syrians, UNHCR can continue to identify and assist those in need, especially the most vulnerable.
@eu_eeas @EU_ECHO @ECHO_turkey @eudelegationtur @Refugees_EU @Refugees @UNHCRgov
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUDelegationTur/status/1524388356561514498
#EU #SyriaConf2022 #BrusselsVI
Auf der von der EU ausgerichteten #SyriaConf2022 🇸🇾 wurden gestern 6,4 Mrd. Euro für #Syrien mobilisiert. Die Mittel werden die syrische Bevölkerung und die Nachbarländer, die syrische Flüchtlinge aufnehmen, unterstützen.
🔗 http://europa.eu/!CGKmTd
RT @eu_eeas: €6.4 billion were mobilised during #SyriaConf2022 to continue supporting Syria and the region. This amount will:
🔹 cover the needs of Syrians
🔹 support neighbouring regions
🔹 …
Yesterday, at the #SyriaConf2022, the international community pledged close to €6.4bn for 2022 & beyond for #Syria & the neighbouring countries. Of this amount, over €4.8bn were pledged by the 🇪🇺#EU, with over €3.1bn coming from the @EU_Commission.
RT @eu_eeas: €6.4 billion were mobilised during #SyriaConf2022 to continue supporting Syria and the region. This amount will:
🔹 cover the needs of Syrians
🔹 support neighbouring regions
🔹 support early recovery & resilience
RT @eu_near: At the #SyriaConf2022, the international community pledged close to €6.4 billion for 2022 & beyond for #Syria & the neighbouring countries.
Of this amount, over €4.8 billion were pledged by the 🇪🇺, with over €3.1 billion coming from the @EU_Commission🔗https://ec.europa.eu/neighbourhood-enlargement/news/syria-and-region-close-eu64-billion-mobilised-during-6th-brussels-conference-2022-05-10_en
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1524314496277397505