Re @NancyFaeser somit finanzieren wir den syrischen Staat, ziemlich auskömmlich.
Ersatzpapiere, aber auch mal ein Anruf beim Finanzamt (diese Menschen zahlen auch mal Steuern) kann für die Identität reichen #SyriaIsNotSafe
Re #Assad arbeitet an einer ReHa kann er machen
Er und seine Familie, auch die Makhloufs sind auf der Sanktionsliste
Er hat vielleicht den Krieg gewonnen, aber nicht den Frieden. #Syria #SyriaIsNotSafe #EU
#Assad #Syria #SyriaIsNotSafe #EU
In #Bremen wurde wieder ein syrischer Regimeanhänger gefasst und wird der Folter angeklopft
In 🇩🇪 ist dies nach dem Weltrechtsprinzip möglich #SyriaIsNotSafe
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Lotte Leicht: BREAKING: #Syria regime ex-militia leader arrested in Bremen, #Germany
Ahmad H. stands is accused of #CrimesAgainstHumanity & #WarCrimes incl #Torture & slavery. Allegedly he personally participated in atrocity crimes against civilians
#Bremen #SyriaIsNotSafe #Syria #Germany #CrimesAgainstHumanity #warcrimes #torture #JusticeMatters
Keine Normalisierung mit dem #Assad Regime in #Syrien
Von einem Diktator von putins Gnaden kann man kein Entgegenkommen erwarten #SyriaIsNotSafe
Danke @BenteScheller 🙏
RT @BenteScheller: Obwohl die Arabische Liga ein Club der Autokraten ist, hat #Assad's Wiedereinstieg nur 13 von 22 Staaten überzeugt. Nicht Hoffnung, Resignation pägt die Entscheidung - und doch Wunschdenken statt Realpolitik.
#Assad #Syrien #SyriaIsNotSafe
Rather than offering protection and safety, the Danish government endangers Syrian refugees by sending them back to the horror that Assad created.
Together with MEPs from different political groups, we strongly urge Denmark to stop these deportations. #SyriaIsNotSafe
We, Members of the European Parliament, ask #Denmark @KaareDybvad @Statsmin
STOP #deportations of Syrian refugees to #Syria!
Sending refugees back means exposing them to persecutions and risking their lives.
#Denmark #deportations #Syria #SyriaIsNotSafe #dkpol #EUPOL
RT @k_langensiepen: We, Members of the European Parliament, ask #Denmark @KaareDybvad @Statsmin
STOP #deportations of Syrian refugees to #Syria!
Sending refugees back means exposing them to persecutions and risking their lives.
#Denmark #deportations #Syria #SyriaIsNotSafe #dkpol #EUPOL
RT @ActionAidDK: Hi @larsloekke. EU MEP's want to know why DK shamelessly wants to deport Syrian refugees to Assad - and ignore DK's international reputation and collaboration with allies. We hope to get an answer at the parliamentary hearing.
#nodeportation #syriaisnotsafe #eupol #dkpol
#nodeportation #SyriaIsNotSafe #EUPOL #dkpol
RT @k_langensiepen: We, Members of the European Parliament, ask #Denmark @KaareDybvad @Statsmin
STOP #deportations of Syrian refugees to #Syria!
Sending refugees back means exposing them to persecutions and risking their lives.
#Denmark #deportations #Syria #SyriaIsNotSafe #dkpol #EUPOL
No #Denmark!!
No #Deportation
Because #Assad #SyriaIsNotSafe
RT @SyriaDirect: 🧵After deeming Damascus and Reef Dimashq safe for return in 2019, Denmark is now reassessing the right of Syrians from Latakia and Tartous to stay in Denmark on the grounds it is safe for them to go back to Syria.
#Denmark #deportation #Assad #SyriaIsNotSafe
While #Denmark tries to resend Syrians back. It must be clear #Syria is not safe
The #UN must be really aware of because: Where are the 100.000?#SyriaIsNotSafe
RT @Caesarfamilies: UN Member States are debating creating a new body to clarify the fate of 100,000 people forcibly disappeared during the war in Syria. Join over 90 missing persons groups from 4 continents asking them to vote YES. Watch/like/share #TruthAndJustice4Syria https://www.yo…
#WhileWeAreTalking #Denmark #Syria #UN #SyriaIsNotSafe #TruthAndJustice4Syria
Cristal clear @SeifJoumana (winner of the #AnneKleinAward of @BoellStiftung ) on #Assad
Every cent
Every salute to #Assad means normalization with the devil #SyriaIsNotSafe
RT @annafleischer14: Strong words by @SeifJoumana receiving the #AnneKleinaward by @BoellStiftung "Syria has turned into a big prison under Assad" I salute her courage and steadfastness for human rights. 🙏🏻
#Annekleinaward #Assad #SyriaIsNotSafe
I don't wanna see trucks, driving from A to B
I wanna see trucks, bulldozers helping people in #Idlib
Oh wait: #Assad and allies bombed the region of #Idlib
btw #SyriaIsNotSafe
Madame @vonderleyen #Syria need to be taken on the agenda again.
#Idlib #Assad #SyriaIsNotSafe #Syria
The normalization is going on #AssadIsAmurder #SyriaIsNotSafe #Assad
RT @syr_television: #عاجل | وزير الخارجية الإماراتي يلتقي بشار #الأسد في #دمشق
#تلفزيون_سوريا #زلزال_تركيا_سوريا #هزة_أرضية #HelpSyria
#AssadIsAmurder #SyriaIsNotSafe #Assad #عاجل #الأسد #دمشق #تلفزيون_سوريا #زلزال_تركيا_سوريا #هزة_أرضية #HelpSyria
#Sednaye is THE military prison. One of the darkest places in side #Syria.
I will take his political sponsorship.
I want to know where #Ayman is and if he is still alive #Freedom4Ayman #SyriaIsNotSafe
#Sednaye #Syria #Ayman #Freedom4Ayman #SyriaIsNotSafe
Ich fordere alle auf sich für die Freilassung und bessere Haftbedingungen syrischer Gefangene einzusetzen
@RobertaMetsola #EP #SyriaIsNotSafe
Ich kämpfe für #AymanAntabli der seit Jahren im Foltergefängnis in #Sednaye sitzt #Syria #Syrien
#EP #SyriaIsNotSafe #AymanAntabli #Sednaye #Syria #Syrien
@GERonSyria Die #Passbeschaffung in der syrischen Botschaft in #Berlin ist wirklich ein Unding und abschaffbar!
@BMI_Bund @NancyFaeser ? #SyriaIsNotSafe #DefundAssad
#Passbeschaffung #Berlin #SyriaIsNotSafe #DefundAssad
Keine Normalisierung mit #Assad 🇪🇺♨️⤵️#syriaisnotsafe
RT @FARED_ALHOR: BREAKING: US State Department: We do not support any normalization process with the dictator Bashar Al-Assad. 🧵
Mein Kommentar zur Zwangsbeschaffung des syrischen Pass #SyriaIsNotSafe #Assad
#WhileWeAreTslking #SyriaIsNotSafe #Assad