General anesthesia has only small effects on myocardial perfusion in healthy patients.
- Bulte 2015 CurrOpinAnaesthesiol #SysRev
Careful planning and preparation before emergency cesarean section for COVID-19 infected parturient is essential to reduce healthcare worker infection and ensure mother & infant safety.
- Du 2020 JAnesth #SysRev
Pediatric airway management guidelines for COVID-19 patients relies upon non-clinical studies, infectious disease data and expert opinion.
- Matava 2020 Anesth.Analg. #SysRev
My day today:
- Run SR search
- Document search
- Open next database
Friends. I did this 5 times before I realized *I never exported the results once I documented my search.* How's your Friday going?
@kdnyhan Huh, that's weird.
I find that for Scopus and Web of Science I have better luck searching by DOI than by PMID.
For #SysRev searches I will take the on-target articles and pull their PMIDs, DOIs, etc. into one central document and build unique on-target search strings for each database I'm searching. This way I'm only trying to find articles I know are indexed in that database.
It's time consuming up front, but I find it helpful in the long run.
@ustrimova @academicchatter I think part of this is what you mean by "better." More on target for your topic? Fewer results?
As a #medlibs who works on #SysRev searches, I would love to learn more about why you say the ChatGPT search is better. I've yet to see it produce a search with accurate controlled vocabulary, among other issues.
Other @medlibs may be interested in this thread.
There is no evidence supporting routinely ceasing buprenorphine perioperatively, even up to SL doses of 16mg/d.
- Goel 2019 CanJAnaesth #SysRev
The surgeon-anesthesiologist relationship is probably the most critical in determining overall team performance.
- Cooper 2018 Anesthesiology #SysRev
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Intraoperative corticosteroids may decrease postoperative complications, including infection, after major surgery.
- Asehnoune 2018 CurrOpinCritCare #SysRev
Local anesthetic myotoxicity may be clinically significant, particularly with bupivacaine, at higher LA concentrations and with longer exposure.
- Hussain 2018 BrJAnaesth #SysRev
There is still insufficient evidence to link particular anaesthetic or analgesic interventions with tumour recurrence following cancer surgery.
- Wall 2019 BrJAnaesth #SysRev
Obstructive sleep apnoea patients receiving opioids should have post-operative continuous monitoring.
- Nagappa 2018 CurrOpinAnaesthesiol #SysRev
Optimizing depth of anesthesia with a processed EEG (BIS, Entropy, or similar) in surgical patients over 60 yo is probably beneficial by reducing the incidence of post-operative delirium and cognitive decline.
- Punjasawadwong 2018 CochraneDbSystRev #SysRev
There is inadequate evidence supporting the benefit of music on sedation, analgesia or delirium in critically ill patients.
- Canada. 2019 JCritCare #SysRev
Anesthesiologists have the ability to contribute either positively or negatively to the growing opioid misuse crisis.
- Soffin 2019 BrJAnaesth #SysRev
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The benefit of preoperative prehabilitation before undergoing major abdominal cancer surgery is still unclear. Appropriate patient selection is likely a major influence.
- Thomas 2019 EurJAnaesthesiol #SysRev
The use of Absalom and Kataria propofol TCI and Minto remifentanil TCI algorithms, along with processed EEG (BIS; Entropy), makes Total Intravenous Anaesthesia (TIVA) practical in children.
- Anderson 2019 Anesthesiology #SysRev
Evidence for cricoid pressure continues to be inadequate to make recommendations for its use or avoidance in patients at risk of pulmonary aspiration.
- Zdravkovic 2021 Anesth.Analg. #SysRev
→ (summary)
Fit and healthy women receiving low-dose intrathecal (50-150 mcg) or epidural (1-3 mg) morphine for cesarean section analgesia should have respiratory rate and sedation monitored second-hourly for the first 12 hours.
- Bauchat 2019 Anesth.Analg. #SysRev
→ (summary)
Local anesthetic infiltration provides the best balance of efficacy and risk for arthroscopic anterior crucial ligament repair.
- Abdallah 2019 Anesth.Analg. #SysRev