Join us for a live #webinar with speaker @robertwolff to learn more about how
@ksrevidence can support guidelines!
Register here:………
#webinar #evidence #SystematicReviews #gin2023glasgow
Are you a #researcher or guideline developer who uses #ROBIS to critically appraise #systematicreviews?
Join us for a live #webinar with
@robertwolff to learn more about how @ksrevidence can help you find the highest quality #evidence
Details & register:
#researcher #robis #SystematicReviews #webinar #evidence
Join us for a live #webinar on September 13th with speaker
@robertwolff to learn more about how
@ksrevidence can support guidelines!
Register here:
#webinar #evidence #SystematicReviews #gin2023glasgow
STATISTIC OF THE WEEK: ROBIS question 2.1 "Did the search include an appropriate range databases/electronic sources or published and unpublished reports?"
In a random sample of 2020 #systematicreviews 59% Y/PY, 32% N/PN, 9% NI
#SystematicReviews #robis #statistics
Did you know that in a random sample of #systematicreviews published in 2020, about a third were are already out of date when they got published?
#SystematicReviews #medlibs #searching
FACT OF THE WEEK: how many #systematicreviews are added to KSR Evidence every month?
In July 2023, the KSR Evidence team added 5,543 #systematicreviews to the database, bringing the total to over 254,000!
🤝 Join us in exploring the potential of machine learning in education research! Your thoughts and feedback on our pre-print would be immensely valuable.
#MachineLearning #EducationResearch #SystematicReviews #ResearchCommunity #AcademicPublishing #EducationPsychology #NaturalLanguageProcessing #DataScience #ResearchAdvancements #DecisionMaking #ScienceCommunity
#machinelearning #educationresearch #SystematicReviews #researchcommunity #academicpublishing #educationpsychology #naturallanguageprocessing #datascience #researchadvancements #decisionmaking #ScienceCommunity
Glad to join #STI2023 in Leiden this year!
I'll bring an analysis of academic age of users of #ReportingGuidelines, especially PRISMA for #SystematicReviews.
Why academic age? --> Time in the field and level of experience may be correlated to what you write.
Check out my short analysis:
#SystematicReviews #reportingguidelines #sti2023
FREE WEBINAR from the U-M Tubman Library! July 27: " Introducing Systematic Search Practice Sets" with Whiney Townsend, @cshannon LaTeesa James, and Mark MacEachern. Find out more: https://guides lib. umich. edu/TaubmanTalks/PracticeSets
#medlibs #SystematicReviews #ExpertSearching
#expertsearching #SystematicReviews #medlibs
Systematic review and Covidence question:
When setting up a Covidence project in which a lead researcher will screen 100% of papers, and a second person will screen 10%, is it better to set up the 'reviewers required to screen' as 1 or 2?
Bonus question: if someone has already screened with the 'reviewers required to screen' set at 1, can a second person still review 10%? Or has that horse bolted, at least for that Covidence project? Thanks!
Hey @academicchatter and @phdstudents !
Please consider working with a #librarian or #informationist to help you brainstorm author supplied keywords for your next manuscript. Our expertise in searching will help guarantee your research is returned in searches for #SystematicReviews and other #EvidenceSynthesis projects, and therefore cited in those same projects. Not to mention better term selection makes for higher recall (and therefore more citations!).
#librarian #informationist #SystematicReviews #EvidenceSynthesis #medlibs
On this lovely Friday morning, @ksrevidence passed more than 250,000 #SystematicReviews!
Did you know that out of 250,000 #systematicreviews 42,000 were published in 2022? How many do you think will be published in 2023?
-analyses can be improved by using a tool to assess the #ResearchIntegrity of #ClinicalTrials:
Weibel, S, Popp, M, Reis, S, Skoetz, N, Garner, P, Sydenham, E. Identifying and managing problematic trials: A research integrity assessment tool for randomized controlled trials in evidence synthesis. Res Syn Meth. 2023; 14( 3): 357- 369. doi:10.1002/jrsm.1599
#researchintegrity #clinicaltrials #meta #metaanalysis #SystematicReviews #metascience
RT @Eurosurveillanc: Check out our new issue with 3 articles on #AntimicrobialResistance from 🇨🇭 🇩🇪 and 🇩🇰
#antibiotic #AMR #antibioticresistance #epidemiology #SystematicReviews #publichealth
#AntimicrobialResistance #antibiotic #AMR #AntibioticResistance #Epidemiology #SystematicReviews #publichealth
FACT OF THE WEEK: how many #systematicreviews are added to KSR Evidence every month?
In April 2023, the KSR Evidence team added 4,743 #systematicreviews to the database, bringing the total to over 245,000!
Anyone experienced with the WHO's #systematicreview bid system and open to chat? A faculty member asked our SR Service to collaborate on two bids they are submitting and I have some questions about the process.
#medlibs #ukmedlibs #canmedlibs #sysrevlibs #systematicreviews
#SystematicReview #medlibs #ukmedlibs #canmedlibs #sysrevlibs #SystematicReviews
When wanting to include non-English publications in the final results of your #systematicreview , do you adjust the search to account for this? Does it depend on the topic/what's out there?
#medlibs #ukmedlibs #canmedlibs #sysrevlibs #systematicreviews
#SystematicReview #medlibs #ukmedlibs #canmedlibs #sysrevlibs #SystematicReviews
FACT OF THE WEEK: how many #systematicreviews are added to KSR Evidence every month?
In March 2023, the KSR Evidence team added 3,357 #systematicreviews to the database, bringing the total to over 240,000!
RT @NDocist
Visibilité et reconnaissance de la contribution du bibliothécaire #librarians aux revues systématiques #SystematicReviews : autorat, remerciements, mention...
#librarians #SystematicReviews
Visibilité et reconnaissance de la contribution du bibliothécaire #librarians aux revues systématiques #SystematicReviews : autorat, remerciements, mention...
#librarians #SystematicReviews