Tūātapere Lioness Club Charter Night from 1982. Do you know anyone from this crowd of 33 women? See more about it here:
#Community #WorkingTogether
#SharingHeritage #LocalKnowledge
#Service #LionsAndLionesses #Clubs
#WaiauHistory #Tūātapere
#CentralAndWesternArchive #Tūātapere #WaiauHistory #clubs #LionsAndLionesses #service #LocalKnowledge #SharingHeritage #WorkingTogether #community
#OTD An early settler in the #Waiau District, Alexander Pearson, died early in the morning this day in history, on 21st January 1928. He had married Agnes Park, they married on 30 December 1870, in the town of Wishaw, Scotland.
Around 4-5 years later, the couple came to Aotearoa NZ. After some time, the family moved to #Orepuki by packhorse, where a homestead was built, known as “Holmburn”.
Alex's son-in-law George Charlton, was the storekeeper at #Tūātapere, the store can be seen here below:
#Tūātapere #Orepuki #Waiau #otd
An article on the history of the forestry industry in #Tūātapere, at the end of #Highway99 from last century... Gosh it sounds a long time ago when you put it like that! Fascinating insights into rural community life and stubborn resilience. This archive was gifted with special thanks to the #HumpTrackTrust. Read full article .pdf here: https://ehive.com/collections/202139/objects/1610322
#NZRuralLife #RuralCommunities #logging #forestry #Southland #Murihiku #WaiauDistrict #HistoryBelongsToEveryone #SharingCommunityHeritage #HumpTrackTrust #Highway99 #Tūātapere
Some of you may remember how I was contacting a magazine to see if they would allow our preservation copy of an old article on our community which is still under #Copyright, to be put in the public archive and astonishingly they agreed, so here it is (the indexing alone took me nearly a whole day!)
#Highway99 #Aotearoa #NZTwits
#Heritage #SmallTownCulture
#SocioEconomics #Murihiku
#Southland #WesternSouthland
#Tūātapere #WaiauDistrict #NZ
#nz #WaiauDistrict #Tūātapere #WesternSouthland #Southland #Murihiku #socioEconomics #SmallTownCulture #heritage #nztwits #aotearoa #Highway99 #CentralAndWesternArchive #copyright